#876 Major contribution to gnucash-android#882
JeanGarf wants to merge 77 commits intocodinguser:develop from JeanGarf:#876_balance_liability
Commits on Feb 29, 2020
Commits on Mar 2, 2020
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codinguser#876 - Correct errors in debit/credit labels vs GnuCash Windows. isChecked() : true == CREDIT. CREDIT => red, DEBIT => green
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Commits on Mar 3, 2020
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codinguser#876 - Set red/green color according to decrease/increase balance (and not more debit/credit)
committedcodinguser#876 - Move attributes from ColorizeOnTransactionTypeChangeListener to TransactionTypeSwitch
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codinguser#876 - In transaction form, put the split button to the right, like for transaction without splits
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Commits on Mar 6, 2020
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codinguser#876 - Explain that balance in DetailTransactionActivity is computed at the date indicated below
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Commits on Mar 7, 2020
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codinguser#876 - Rename mValue to mAmountAbsValue and use setter to ensure storing of absolute values in splits
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Commits on Mar 8, 2020
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codinguser#876 - Trying to display customized debit/credit labels in Transaction Detail, but commented because not very readable
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codinguser#876 - Fix error on title_default_transaction_type in fragment_transaction_preferences.xml
Commits on Mar 11, 2020
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codinguser#876 - Compute DefaultTransactionType for new Transactions, according to Default new Transaction Type Modes
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Commits on Apr 7, 2020
Commits on May 23, 2020
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codinguser#876 - Factorize calls to AccountType.displayBalance() + add shallDisplayNegativeSignumInSplits parameter
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codinguser#876 - Add param to TransactionFormFragment.updateAmountEditText(final Money signedTransactionBalance)
Commits on May 24, 2020
Commits on May 28, 2020
Commits on Jun 10, 2020
Commits on Jun 13, 2020
Commits on Jun 14, 2020
codinguser#876 - ** Allow null to enter SplitEditor + Transfert if from TransactionFormFragment.extractSplitsFromView to Money.setAmount()
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codinguser#876 - ** Add shallDisplayZero in displayBalanceWithoutCurrency(...) to avoid displaying 0
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codinguser#876 - Remove black color for 0 balance, to be homogeneous with TransactionTypeSwitch.setWidgetTextColor()
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