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Northern Man edited this page Oct 27, 2018 · 1 revision

These are the various commands I have seen based on poking at the device

Command 00 -

No response

Command 01 - Change wifi settings

The payload looks like this: {"ssid":"YourSSID","passwd":"yourpassword","token":""} It needs to be sent in the clear like the status command (10)

Command 02 -

000055aa00000000000000020000000c00000000320435de0000aa55 000055aa00000000000000020000000c00000000320435de0000aa55

Command 03 -

No response

Command 04 -

No response

Command 05 -

No response

Command 06 -

No response

Command 07 - Set state

Must use device command object or else no response

Command 08 - State Query

No response

Command 09 - echo request

000055aa00000000000000090000000c00000000b051ab030000aa55 000055aa00000000000000090000000c00000000b051ab030000aa55

Command 0a - Get current device status

Command 0b - ssid_list

{ ssid_list: [ 'TP-LINK_7F840E', 'BELL392', 'orangeblossom23_RE', 'Euvalyn', 'HP-Print-F4-Photosmart 6520', 'BELL674', 'killer' ] }

Command 0c - no response

Command 0d - no response

Command 0e - no response

Command 0f - no response