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Activity on a pull request is almost none since the last interaction with the author
Blocked for merge approval by an issue or other PR
Pull requests that may break existing functionalities
Verified issues on the current code behavior or pull requests that will fix them
Issues or pull requests that affect the database layer
Pull requests that update external dependencies
Pull requests needing documentation write-ups and/or revisions.
Pull requests for documentation only
Issue or pull request duplicates an already existing issue/pull request
PRs that improve existing functionalities
Pull requests that update Github_actions code
Pull requests that need GPG-Signing
Issues ready for someone to tackle during Hacktoberfest
More help is needed for the proper resolution of an issue or pull request
Reported issue which is not a bug but needs to be implemented
Changes requested by reviewer that are still pending
Read this for a relevant v5 idea
Pull requests that update Php code
Pull requests that refactor code
Pull requests with conflicts
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