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Simple Form

When you enter data into the form, it is sent to the email server and to the email from the form.

File structure

  • /dist - folder with the collected files, which are duplicated to the server at the path /var/html/www
  • /src - source file folder
  • Dockerfile - instructions for creating the Docker image
  • docker-compose.yml - is a configuration file for running multi container applications
  • gulpfile.js - taskrunner is needed to compile scss and js files


You need to use Nodejs v14.17.3 for Gulp to work properly.

  • You can use the NVM utility to install and manage NodeJS versions.
  • Gulp and WebPack will also be needed
  • You need Docker for the server to work properly
nvm install 14.17.3

nvm use 14.17.3

npm install --global gulp-cli webpack

How to start?

From the project directory, you need to execute the commands:

docker-compose up --build -d

The project will now be available in the browser at: http://localhost

The data from the form will be sent to the MailHog mail server at http://localhost:8025

To run Gulp you need to install dependencies using NPM.

npm i




Name, phone number and email validation works in the form

When you click on the eye icon you can show the password and when you click again it is hidden
