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clementetienam authored Sep 6, 2020
1 parent ed32cba commit a0ac8e9
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Showing 56 changed files with 4,778 additions and 0 deletions.
709 changes: 709 additions & 0 deletions cov/apx.m

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

787 changes: 787 additions & 0 deletions cov/apxGrid.m

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

61 changes: 61 additions & 0 deletions cov/apxSparse.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
function K = apxSparse(cov, xu, hyp, x, z)

% apxSparse - Covariance function for sparse approximations.
% This is a special covariance function which handles some non-standard
% requirements of sparse covariances
% 1) it holds the inducing inputs in xu, and
% 2) it returns covariances for prediction purposes. Note, that sparse
% inference methods don't actually call this function.
% Any sparse approximation to the posterior Gaussian process is equivalent to
% using the approximate covariance function:
% Kt = Q + s*diag(g); g = diag(K-Q); Q = Ku'*inv(Kuu+diag(snu2))*Ku;
% where Ku and Kuu are covariances w.r.t. to inducing inputs xu and
% snu2 is a vector with the noise variance of the inducing inputs.
% As a default, we fix the standard deviation of the inducing inputs
% snu = sfu/1e3 * ones(nu,1) to be a one per mil of the signal standard
% deviation sfu^2 = trace(Kuu)/nu of the inducing inputs. Alternatively, the
% noise of the inducing inputs can be treated as a hyperparameter by means
% of the field hyp.snu that can contain a scalar value log(snu) or a vector
% of inducing point specific log noise standard deviations.
% The parameter s from [0,1] (see [1]) interpolates between the two limiting
% cases s=1: FITC [2] and s=0 VFE [3].
% The function is designed to be used with infGaussLik and infLaplace.
% The implementation exploits the Woodbury matrix identity
% inv(Kt+inv(W)) = D - D*Ku'*inv(Kuu+snu2*eye(nu)+Ku*D*Ku')*Ku*D, where
% D = diag(d), and d = W./(s*g.*W+1)
% and the Cholesky decomposition in order to be applicable to large datasets.
% The computational complexity is O(n nu^2) where n is the number of data
% points x and nu the number of inducing inputs in xu.
% The inducing points can be specified through
% 1) the 2nd apxSparse parameter or by
% 2) providing a hyp.xu hyperparameters to the inference function.
% Note that 2) has priority over 1).
% In case 2) is provided and derivatives dnlZ are requested, there will also be
% a dnlZ.xu field allowing to optimise w.r.t. to the inducing points xu.
% [1] Bui, Yan & Turner, A Unifying Framework for Sparse GP Approximation
% using Power EP, 2016,
% [2] Snelson & Ghahramani, Sparse GPs using pseudo-inputs, NIPS, 2006.
% [3] Titsias, Var. Learning of Inducing Variables in Sparse GPs, AISTATS, 2009
% Copyright (c) by Carl Edward Rasmussen and Hannes Nickisch, 2016-12-13.

if nargin<4, K = feval(cov{:}); return, end

if size(xu,2) ~= size(x,2)
error('Dimensionality of inducing inputs must match training inputs')

if strcmp(z, 'diag')
K = feval(cov{:}, hyp, x, z); % normal evaluation for diagonal
K = feval(cov{:}, hyp, xu, z); % substitue inducing inputs for x
408 changes: 408 additions & 0 deletions cov/apxState.m

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

100 changes: 100 additions & 0 deletions cov/covADD.m
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@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
function [K,dK] = covADD(cov, hyp, x, z)

% Additive covariance function using 1d base covariance functions
% cov_d(x_d,z_d;hyp_d) with individual hyperparameters hyp_d, d=1..D.
% k (x,z) = \sum_{r \in R} sf^2_r k_r(x,z), where 1<=r<=D and
% k_r(x,z) = \sum_{|I|=r} \prod_{i \in I} cov_i(x_i,z_i;hyp_i)
% hyp = [ hyp_1
% hyp_2
% ...
% hyp_D
% log(sf_R(1))
% ...
% log(sf_R(end)) ]
% where hyp_d are the parameters of the 1d covariance function which are shared
% over the different values of r=R(1),..,R(end) where 1<=r<=D.
% Usage: covADD({[1,3,4],cov}, ...) or
% covADD({[1,3,4],cov_1,..,cov_D}, ...).
% Please see the paper "Additive Gaussian Processes" by Duvenaud, Nickisch and
% Rasmussen, NIPS, 2011 for details.
% Copyright (c) by Carl Edward Rasmussen and Hannes Nickisch, 2017-02-21.
% multiple covariance support contributed by Truong X. Nghiem

R = fix(cov{1}); % only positive integers are allowed
if min(R)<1, error('only positive R up to D allowed'), end
nr = numel(R); % number of different degrees of interaction
nc = numel(cov)-1; D = 1; % number of provided covariances, D for indiv.
for j=1:nc, if ~iscell(cov{j+1}), cov{j+1} = {cov{j+1}}; end, end
if nc==1, nh = eval(feval(cov{2}{:})); % no of hypers per individual covariance
else nh = zeros(nc,1); for j=1:nc, nh(j) = eval(feval(cov{j+1}{:})); end, end

if nargin<3 % report number of hyper parameters
if nc==1, K = ['D*', int2str(nh), '+', int2str(nr)];
K = ['(',int2str(nh(1))]; for ii=2:nc, K = [K,'+',int2str(nh(ii))]; end
K = [K, ')+', int2str(nr)];
if nargin<4, z = []; end % make sure, z exists

[n,D] = size(x); % dimensionality
if nc==1, nh = ones(D,1)*nh; cov = [cov(1),repmat(cov(2),1,D)]; end
nch = sum(nh); % total number of cov hypers
sf2 = exp( 2*hyp(nch+(1:nr)) ); % signal variances of individual degrees

[Kd,dKd] = Kdim(cov(2:end),nh,hyp(1:nch),x,z); % eval dimensionwise covariances
EE = elsympol(Kd,max(R)); % Rth elementary symmetric polynomials
K = 0; for ii=1:nr, K = K + sf2(ii)*EE(:,:,R(ii)+1); end % sf2 weighted sum

if nargout > 1
dK = @(Q) dirder(Q,Kd,dKd,EE,R,sf2);

function [dhyp,dx] = dirder(Q,Kd,dKd,EE,R,sf2)
D = numel(dKd); n = size(Q,1); nr = numel(R); dhyp = zeros(0,1);
if nargout > 1, dx = zeros(n,D); end % allocate if required
for j=1:D
% the final derivative is a sum of multilinear terms, so if only one term
% depends on the hyperparameter under consideration, we can factorise it
% out and compute the sum with one degree less, the j-th elementary
% covariance depends on the hyperparameter batch hyp(j) and inputs x(:,j)
E = elsympol(Kd(:,:,[1:j-1,j+1:D]),max(R)-1); % R-1th elementary sym polyn
Qj = 0; for ii=1:nr, Qj = Qj + sf2(ii)*E(:,:,R(ii)); end % sf2 weighted sum
if nargout > 1, [dhypj,dxj] = dKd{j}(Qj.*Q); dx(:,j) = dxj;
else dhypj = dKd{j}(Qj.*Q); end, dhyp = [dhyp; dhypj];
dhyp = [dhyp; 2*squeeze(sum(sum(bsxfun(@times,EE(:,:,R+1),Q),1),2)).*sf2];

% evaluate dimensionwise covariances K
function [K,dK] = Kdim(cov,nh,hyp,x,z)
[n,D] = size(x); % dimensionality
xeqz = numel(z)==0; dg = strcmp(z,'diag') && numel(z)>0; % determine mode

if dg % allocate memory
K = zeros(n,1,D);
if xeqz, K = zeros(n,n,D); else K = zeros(n,size(z,1),D); end
dK = cell(D,1);

for d=1:D
hyp_d = hyp(sum(nh(1:d-1))+(1:nh(d))); % hyperparamter of dimension d
if dg
[K(:,:,d),dK{d}] = feval(cov{d}{:},hyp_d,x(:,d),'diag');
if xeqz
[K(:,:,d),dK{d}] = feval(cov{d}{:},hyp_d,x(:,d));
[K(:,:,d),dK{d}] = feval(cov{d}{:},hyp_d,x(:,d),z(:,d));
21 changes: 21 additions & 0 deletions cov/covConst.m
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@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
function varargout = covConst(varargin)

% Wrapper for unit constant covariance function covOne.m.
% Covariance function for a constant function. The covariance function is
% parameterized as:
% k(x,z) = sf^2
% The scalar hyperparameter is:
% hyp = [ log(sf) ]
% For more help on design of covariance functions, try "help covFunctions".
% Copyright (c) by Carl Edward Rasmussen and Hannes Nickisch, 2016-04-19.
% See also covOne.m.

varargout = cell(max(nargout,1),1);
[varargout{:}] = covScale({'covOne'},varargin{:});
56 changes: 56 additions & 0 deletions cov/covCos.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
function [K,dK] = covCos(hyp, x, z)

% Stationary covariance function for a sinusoid with period p in 1d:
% k(x,z) = sf^2*cos(2*pi*(x-z)/p)
% where the hyperparameters are:
% hyp = [ log(p)
% log(sf) ]
% Note that covPeriodicNoDC converges to covCos as ell goes to infinity.
% Copyright (c) by James Robert Lloyd and Hannes Nickisch, 2016-11-05.

if nargin<2, K = '2'; return; end % report number of parameters
if nargin<3, z = []; end % make sure, z exists
xeqz = isempty(z); dg = strcmp(z,'diag'); % determine mode

[n,D] = size(x);
if D~=1, error('Covariance is defined for 1d data only.'), end
p = exp(hyp(1));
sf2 = exp(2*hyp(2));

% precompute deviations and exploit symmetry of cos
if dg % vector txx
T = zeros(size(x,1),1);
if xeqz % symmetric matrix Txx
T = 2*pi/p*bsxfun(@plus,x,-x');
else % cross covariances Txz
T = 2*pi/p*bsxfun(@plus,x,-z');

K = sf2*cos(T); % covariances
if nargout > 1
dK = @(Q) dirder(Q,K,T,x,p,sf2,dg,xeqz);

function [dhyp,dx] = dirder(Q,K,T,x,p,sf2,dg,xeqz)
dhyp = [sf2*(sin(T(:)).*T(:))'*Q(:); 2*Q(:)'*K(:)];
if nargout > 1
R = -sf2*pi/p * Q .* sin(T);
if dg
dx = zeros(size(x));
if xeqz
dx = 2*(sum(R,2)-sum(R,1)');
dx = 2*sum(R,2);
71 changes: 71 additions & 0 deletions cov/covDiscrete.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
function [K,dK] = covDiscrete(s, hyp, x, z)

% Covariance function for discrete inputs. Given a function defined on the
% integers 1,2,3,..,s, the covariance function is parameterized as:
% k(x,z) = K_{xz},
% where K is a matrix of size (s x s).
% This implementation assumes that the inputs x and z are given as integers
% between 1 and s, which simply index the matrix K.
% The hyperparameters specify the upper-triangular part of the Cholesky factor
% of K, where the (positive) diagonal elements are specified by their logarithm.
% If L = chol(K), so K = L'*L, then the hyperparameters are:
% hyp = [ log(L_11)
% L_21
% log(L_22)
% L_31
% L_32
% ..
% log(L_ss) ]
% The hyperparameters hyp can be generated from K using:
% L = chol(K); L(1:(s+1):end) = log(diag(L));
% hyp = L(triu(true(s)));
% The covariance matrix K is obtained from the hyperparameters hyp by:
% L = zeros(s); L(triu(true(s))) = hyp(:);
% L(1:(s+1):end) = exp(diag(L)); K = L'*L;
% This parametrization allows unconstrained optimization of K.
% For more help on design of covariance functions, try "help covFunctions".
% Copyright (c) by Roman Garnett, 2016-04-18.

if nargin==0, error('s must be specified.'), end % check for dimension
if nargin<3, K = num2str(s*(s+1)/2); return; end % report number of parameters
if nargin<4, z = []; end % make sure, z exists
xeqz = isempty(z); dg = strcmp(z,'diag'); % determine mode
if xeqz, z = x; end % make sure we have a valid z

L = zeros(s); L(triu(true(s))) = hyp(:); % build Cholesky factor
L(1:(s+1):end) = exp(diag(L));

A = L'*L; % A is a placeholder for K to avoid a name clash with the return arg
if dg
K = A(sub2ind(size(A),fix(x),fix(x)));
K = A(fix(x),fix(z));

if nargout > 1
dK = @(Q) dirder(Q,s,L,x,z,dg); % directional hyper derivative

function [dhyp,dx] = dirder(Q,s,L,x,z,dg)
nx = numel(x); Ix = sparse(fix(x),1:nx,ones(nx,1),s,nx); % K==Ix'*L'*L*Iz
if dg
B = Ix*diag(Q)*Ix';
nz = numel(z); Iz = sparse(fix(z),1:nz,ones(nz,1),s,nz);
B = Iz*Q'*Ix';
B = L*(B+B'); B(1:(s+1):end) = diag(B).*diag(L); % fix exp on diagonal
dhyp = B(triu(true(s)));
if nargout > 1, dx = zeros(size(x)); end

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