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Everyone's favorite app for finding and rating benches! Benchbnb, a full-stack application inspired by Airbnb.

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Benchbnb is a full-stack clone of Airbnb, designed to showcase popular bench locations in cities around the world.


In this project, I've built a web application using React, Redux, Rails API, Google Maps JavaScript API, and Active Storage. The app allows users to view and rate benches, leveraging features like maps integration and photo uploads.

Features Implemented

  • Authentication: User signup, login, and logout functionality.
  • Bench Index: Display a list of benches with interactive maps.
  • Bench Show: View detailed information about individual benches, including ratings.
  • Reviews: Users can leave reviews for benches.
  • Map Integration: Utilize Google Maps API to display bench locations.
  • Photo Upload: Implement photo upload functionality using Active Storage.

Project Phases and Milestones

Phase 0: User Auth

  • Backend Setup:
    • Implemented a User model in Rails with attributes for authentication (e.g., username, email, password_digest).
    • Created RESTful API endpoints (/api/users for signup, /api/session for login/logout) for user authentication, utilizing bcrypt for password encryption.
  • Frontend Setup:
    • Developed React components for user signup and login forms, integrating form validation and API interaction.
    • Configured Redux for managing user authentication state and actions.

Phase 1: Google Maps Integration

  • Implemented Google Maps API setup and rendering on bench index and show pages.
  • Added custom markers and map boundaries for a better user experience.

Phase 2: Bench CRUD Functionality

  • Created CRUD functionality for benches, allowing users to create, edit, and delete bench listings.
  • Integrated Active Storage for photo uploads associated with benches.

Phase 3: Reviews

  • Implemented review functionality, enabling users to leave reviews for benches.

Phase 4: Styling and Refactoring

  • Implemented CSS styling across all pages for a cohesive user interface.
  • Refactored components for improved code quality and readability.

Development Environment Setup

To run BenchBnB locally, follow these steps:

  1. Clone this repository

  2. Install Dependencies:

    • Install backend dependencies:

      bundle install
    • Install frontend dependencies:

      cd frontend
      npm install
  3. Set Up Your Google Maps API Key:

    • Create an env.development.local file in the frontend directory.
    • Open env.development.local and add your API key:
  4. Run the Servers Concurrently:

    • Start the Rails server:

      # In the root directory of the project
      rails s
    • Start the frontend development server:

      # In the frontend directory
      npm start

Now you can access BenchBnB locally by opening your web browser and navigating to the specified localhost address for the frontend server (usually http://localhost:3000 by default).


Everyone's favorite app for finding and rating benches! Benchbnb, a full-stack application inspired by Airbnb.







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