Welcome to the repository of my portfolio website!
The key motivation behind this project was to create a dynamic representation of my coding expertise. This portfolio leverages the GitHub API to retrieve data from projects I've worked on.
This website dynamically renders all my GitHub repos. You'll be able to see the projects I've worked on, including detailed insights like the coding languages used and more.
Don't forget to check out my roadmap for 2024! It'll give a snapshot of the technologies I'm planning to explore in the coming year.
Resume is hosted on Cloudinary and hence, you can access it anywhere, anytime.
Aside from this, You'll also find links to my:
If you have any inquiries or opportunities for collaboration, please do not hesitate to contact me. You can find the 'What's next' section at the bottom of the page, where you can email me.
Built with Open-Source Giants: A Testament to the Power of Community Collaboration 🤝
Used to retrieve data from my GitHub repositories and dynamically render them on the website.
Utilized as the main JavaScript framework for creating an interactive and efficient frontend to build the user interface.
Used as a next-generation front-end build tool for faster and leaner development, energizing well with Vue.js.
Used as a static site generator to build a performant, static, and SEO-friendly website.
Used as a utility-first CSS framework to rapidly build custom user interfaces.
Chosen for reliable cloud-based storage to manage and deliver images and videos, used for assets such as my resume and >project images.
Selected as the deployment platform, offering fast, secure, scalable hosting solution for the website.
I'm very excited to announce the launch of my blog section and can't wait to share it with you! 🔥
This addition to my portfolio will not only act as a medium to share my learning journey, but also as a platform to engage, discuss, and learn together.
I'll be writing about the various tools and technologies that I use in my day-to-day work, share insights, tips, and best practices to hone your skills in them.
In the race of learning and building, health often takes a backseat. Not anymore! With my 'Developer's Health Corner', I will share wellness tips, exercises, and healthy habits that every developer must incorporate in their routine for a sustainable and long-term coding journey.
If you're as excited as I am and have topic suggestions that you'd want me to cover, feel free to drop me an email. Let's learn, build, and grow together!!
Keep an eye on the progress and feel free to contribute to this repository!