- Install VirtualBox
- Install Git
- Install Vagrant
- Open any directory in system console
- Run: git clone https://github.com/chybaDapi/exchange.git
- Change default Exchange wallet in database.sql (lines 62-69)
- Open exchange directory in system console
- Run: vagrant up
- Install Node.js
- Open exchange/website directory in system console
- Run: npm install --global gulp
- Run: npm install
- Run: Gulp
- Change integrity attribute in website/templates/index.twig (from website/sri.json)
- Add exchange.dev to yout hosts file (System32/drivers/ets)
- Open exchange.dev in your web browser
- Pray :)
- The application implemented SRI. Hashes CSS and JS files are generated to website/sri.json and should be changed in website/templates/index.twigg after each gulped.
- The application implemented CSP. Please do not spoil it. :) Do not use inline styles and use inline script always with "nonce" attribute. Remember about CSP headers!