A Tree Sitter grammer for the hledger journal format.
While working with hledger files, I've found the editor integration to be subpar. ledger-mode
is great, but is even more restrictive to non-technical folks than ledger already is. Many of the integrations for other editors are also subpar. For instance mariosangiorgio/vscode-ledger (no longer maintained) and mhansen/hledger-vscode still use incomplete tmLanguage
Eventually, I would like to use this to create a hledger
The general goal is full support for the hledger format as described in the official documentation. Missing features (in no particular order):
- Secondary dates
- Posting dates
- Pipes in descriptions
- Spaces in account names
- Full parse all amounts
- Virtual postings
- Balance assertions
- Balance assignments
- Transaction pricing
- Comments
- Directives
- Periodic rules
- Auto-postings
This is a side project for me. I'm happy to accept contributions as pull-requests but don't have time (or the energy) to answer issues. If you find a bug, please add it to the corpus or submit a fix.