The source code of the manuscript entitle "Move and remove: Multi-task learning for building simplification in vector maps with a graph convolutional neural network"
- python 3.7
- pytorch 1.11.0
- torch-geometric 2.0.3
The building graph features and labels are stored in the directory data/input/ with numpy .npy file. The description for each columan of the file is as follows:
- Column 0: osm id of the building corresponding to the vertice
- Column 1: vertex id of the vertice
- Column 2: longitude of the vertice
- Column 3: latitude of the vertice
- Column 4: normalized longitude of the vertice
- Column 5: normalized latitude of the vertice
- Column 6: turning angle of the vertice
- Column 7: convexity of the vertice
- Column 8: preceeding edge length of the vertice
- Column 9: succeeding edge length of the vertice
- Column 10: the removal label
- Column 11: the movement label along the preceeding edge
- Column 12: the movement label along the succeeding edge
Config the input directory and hyperparameters in and run it. In case of understanding the proposed MT_GCNN model, check it in with the class BuildingGenModel.
- data/input: the directory where vertex feature and edge adjacency files are input to the model
- data/output: the directory where the trained model (Bldgs_Gen_64_1.pkl) and the predicted vertex labels (the point file: Bldgs_Gen_prediction.shp) are stored
- Note: to get final simplified buildings, please use the reconstruct_polygons function in to reconstruct polygons based on the output point file Bldgs_Gen_prediction.shp
title={Move and remove: Multi-task learning for building simplification in vector maps with a graph convolutional neural network},
author={Zhou, Zhiyong and Fu, Cheng and Weibel, Robert},
journal={ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing},