This Powershell module allows you to view the diff of two package versions.
choco install powershell-core
Other options:
See this document from Microsoft to install POSH on Windows
brew cask install powershell
Other options:
See this document from Microsoft to install POSH on macOS
See this document from Microsoft to install POSH on Linux.
This software allows you to use some diff-tool (such as diff or meld):
You can always specify the the diff-tool to use manually by utilizing the env:difftool
NOTE: Required for -useDiffTool
choco install git
ensure at least diff
is installed and available through PATH environment variable.
If you want to use a different diff-tool, set env:difftool
$env:difftool = "C:\Program Files (x86)\Meld\meld.exe"
Import-Module .\chocolatey-diff\chocolatey-diff.psm1
Get-ChocolateyPackageDiff ...
By default, C:\Program Files\Git\usr\bin\diff.exe
is used on Windows OS and diff
on Unix-like systems.
The Get-ChocolateyPacageDiff Syntax:
Get-ChocolateyPackageDiff [-packageName] <string> [[-oldPackageVersion] <string>] [[-newPackageVersion] <string>] [-downloadLocation <string>] [-keepFiles] [-ignoreExpectedChanges] [<CommonParameters>]
Get-ChocolateyPackageDiff [-packageName] <string> [[-oldPackageVersion] <string>] [[-newPackageVersion] <string>] [-downloadLocation <string>] [-keepFiles] [-compareFolder] [-useDiffTool] [<CommonParameters>]
Import-Module .\chocolatey-diff\chocolatey-diff.psm1
PS > Get-ChocolateyPackageDiff -packageName grafana -oldPackageVersion 7.1.0 -newPackageVersion 7.1.1
Diff for \legal\LICENSE.txt:
Diff for \legal\VERIFICATION.txt:
32-Bit: <>
checksum32: DE586C6232CE9026DF097AFE3AF843F0097AB578409BE634F5BA4420FF3E786E
32-Bit: <>
checksum32: 84961388ACDB8134E29558EF80AD989178BE95098808FB75DDD0AD3268BE570C
Diff for \tools\chocolateyinstall.ps1:
file = "$toolsdir\"
file = "$toolsdir\"
WARNING: \tools\ is binary, ignoring.
Diff for \grafana.nuspec:
WARNING: \tools\ is binary, ignoring.
Latest approved and unapproved versions are selected automatically.
Import-Module .\chocolatey-diff\chocolatey-diff.psm1
PS > Get-ChocolateyPackageDiff elasticsearch
Diff for \tools\chocolateyBeforeModify.ps1:
$version = "7.8.1"
$version = "7.8.0"
Diff for \tools\chocolateyInstall.ps1:
$url = ''
$checksum = '800720331e64f091f87bb5ca1755c948c75718cb3723497d861b28fab2067e7a'
$version = "7.8.1"
$url = ''
$checksum = 'e6e8160fcb0837cf2d5602e9c5ecb637b9cb46b7e333dfd681f65a235eed85d4'
$version = "7.8.0"
Diff for \tools\Uninstall-ChocolateyPath.psm1:
Diff for \elasticsearch.nuspec: