This repository showcases a simple integration of Elm with TypeScript. It serves as a basic example of how to set up a project that uses both technologies and allows them to communicate with each other.
|-- index.html # Main HTML page
|-- main.ts # TypeScript source
|-- elmApp.elm # Elm source
- Install Elm.
- Install TypeScript.
- Compile the Elm Code:
Navigate to the demo directory and run:
elm make elmApp.elm --output=elm.js
This will produce the elm.js file.
- Compile the TypeScript Code:
Still in the demo directory, run:
tsc main.ts elm.d.ts
This will produce the main.js file.
- Open the Demo in a Browser:
Just open index.html in your favorite web browser. After a brief moment, you should see a message indicating communication from TypeScript to Elm.
The TypeScript script initializes an Elm application and then sends a message to it. The Elm application listens for this message via ports and displays it once received.
Enhance Communication: Try extending the demo by allowing Elm to send messages back to TypeScript. Integrate with a Bundler: For larger projects, consider using a bundler like Webpack or Parcel for better asset and dependency management.