a tutorial app for Clojure on Google AppEngine
This version forks duelinmarkers / guestbook-clj, written by John Hume for his blog post Clojure on Google AppEngine.
This up-to-date version uses:
- org.clojars.choas/appengine-clj 0.2-SNAPSHOT from choas / appengine-clj and
- compojure-gae 0.3.4-SNAPSHOT from choas / compojure-gae
To compile and start just use Leiningen: lein compile ../appengine-java-sdk-1.3.3/bin/dev_appserver.sh war
"Unless the ants were clever enough to build rafts." -- Leiningen Versus the Ants by Carl Stephenson
I use Leiningen and don't use build.xml (at the moment).
If you want to run the test you have to get all dependent libraries: lein deps ... and run the test: lein test
After testing you have to clean and compile, because there are to many libraries and app engine couldn't start: lein clean lein compile