This Cloud Run Deployment Pattern is designed for large enterprises with strict regulations and governance. It demonstrates how to deploy Terraform for infrastructure and maintain a separate workflow for application code. These pipelines are separate because application code will likely have a higher velocity of change than infrastructure. This separation also helps limit the potential impact of failures in CI/CD pipelines.
The following information is specific to the Terraform workflow, please see towards the bottom for information specific to the application code workflow. The IaC should be executed first, hence the ordering.
The actions that this repository will execute are:
- Create a Global External HTTPS load balancer in front of an existing Cloud Run service.
- Create a Cloud Run instance with the Hello World image. This image will be replaced after the first application deployment. Terraform will ignore all changes to the Cloud Run instance and will only replace it if the instance is removed from state.
- Create a Cloud SQL instance, SQL Server dialect, with relevant databases, public IP and private IP.
- Stores connection information securely in Secret Manager.
- Apply a tag for excluding the Cloud Run service from Domain Restricted Sharing organization policy.
- Apply the role grant on allUsers to have the roles/run.invoker role, allowing any user to invoke the Cloud Run service.
- Create an Artifact Registry repository to store Docker images.
- Create a serverless connector to route all Cloud Run traffic through.
This repository assumes that the below mentioned prerequisites are in place before consuming the module.
- All required APIs are enabled in the GCP Project.
- Terraform workspace has been created and the team token is stored in Github secrets.
- Workload Identity Federation has been set up and the service account connected.
- A Shared VPC exists and the project where these resources will be deployed is a service project.
- The /modules folder mimics the private module registry available for enterprise organizations. This is meant to emulate the clone & own strategy some enterprises follow with respect to open source modules.
- /28 subnet has been shared with service project.
- The service account that will deploy all resources through Terraform has the roles mentioned in the following section.
- roles/artifactregistry.admin
- roles/cloudsql.admin
- roles/instanceAdmin.v1
- roles/iam.projectIamAdmin
- roles/compute.loadBalancerAdmin
- roles/iam.workloadIdentityPoolAdmin
- roles/artifactregsitry.admin
- roles/artifactregistry.writer
- roles/run.admin
- roles/resourcemanager.tagUser Note: If this role is granted as a project role and the tags were created at the organization or folder level, the identity will not be able to use it. It is important to note to grant this role on the resource itself.
The following GitHub secrets must be added to the repository. These secrets can be added per environment to ensure separation.
- TF_API_KEY - Terraform API Key to authenticate from GitHub Actions to Terraform Cloud.
- WIF_PROVIDER - Workload Identity Federation provider fully qualified name. e.g. projects/123456789/locations/global/workloadIdentityPools/my-pool/providers/my-provider
- WIF_SERVICE_ACCOUNT - Workload Identity Federation connected Service Account.
- Create a bare clone of this repository.
git clone --bare
- Mirror push to the new repository.
git push --mirror
- Remove the temporary local files.
cd ..
- Ensure your workspace is set up to authenticate with workload identity federation as shown in this cloud blog.
- Ensure secret TF_API_KEY is created for authenticating to Terraform Cloud from GitHub.
- Change values under the with: field to match your GCP configuration in this GitHub Actions workflow
- Change values in the dev.tfvars file to match your infrastructure deployment.
- Raise a pull request from your feature branch to the develop branch. This will trigger a plan. Review the plan and if all looks good, merge to develop. Once merged, a terraform apply will run.