- Use python virtualenv(Recommand)
mkvirtualenv python
- Install pacakges with pip3
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
1. Read a given input file (plaintext)
2. Encrypt it using AES-256 with a randomly generated 256-bit key
3. Store encrypted file (ciphertext)
4. Split the key into n parts with threshold set to k
5. Store keys to be given out
1. Read in encrypted file (ciphertext)
2. Read in the given t keys
3. Attempt to combine the keys into the original 256-bit key
4. Decrypt ciphertext with combined key using AES-256
5. Store decrypted file (plaintext)
python3 main.py -encrypt -infile sample-txt.txt -outfile output-txt.txt -keysfile key-txt.txt -n 5 -k 3
python3 main.py -decrypt -infile output-txt.txt -outfile sample-txt-restored.txt -keysfile key-txt.txt