My awesome list for development resources and libraries
taskfile - Taskfile. This is a task runner for running scripts
hygen - Code Scaffolding and code generation tool
plop - Code and file generation tool
asdf - Manage programming language versions installed on a machine
Infisical - Secrets management for developers
Mailhog SMTP testing application
NX - Monorepo build tool - Fast, Declarative, Reproducible, and Composable Developer Environments using Nix
inquirer - Command line prompt library
luxon - Date library
alias-hq - Tool to help configure project aliases
axios - HTTP library for web and node
samlify - Node SAML2 API
pkg - Package node code as a binary
commander - Library for making cli applications
Npkill - Cleans all node module directories
Verdaccio - Private self hosted NPM package registry
Semantic release
bit - An open-source toolchain for component-driven software.
dexie - A minimalistic wrapper for IndexDB
react-use - Great library for hooks
react query - Powerful asynchronous state management for TS/JS, React
uppy - Sleek, modular open source JavaScript file uploader
react-if - Render React components conditionally
i18next - i18next is an internationalization-framework written in and for JavaScript
react-css-spinners - CSS spinner components for react.
react-ace - In browser code editor
mobx - State management library. Supports observables
mobx state tree - Javascript state manager for mobx.
Beautiful react hooks
Storybook - React component documentation library
recoil - A state management library for react
tremor - The react library to build dashboards fast.
Lucid Chart
DB Diagram
Sidekick - Great Web browser for work and to stay organized
Miro - Online whiteboard
Notion - Great note taking service
Doppler - Doppler is a site that allows you to quickly share secrets. Great for sending one time encrypted credentials
retool - Build dashboards for business easily
Dbeaver - Universal DB Client
Postman app - API Querying Tool
Gitkraken - Git Gui App
Devhub - Github notifications
Streamhut - Share your terminal in real-time with anyone - without installing anything
Tabnine - AI Assistant for software developers
Dolt - Dolt is git for data. Good for seeding - Easily transfer files from the command line
PostmarkApp - Simple email delivery service
Papertrail - Log management service
httpie - An open-source API testing client
onepassword - Password manager service
Raindrop - Great bookmarking service
Discord - Great chat platform for engineers
Shells - Cloud desktop as a service
Lando - Framework to help coordinate building dev environments
Ory - Ory is a set of frameworks for authentication and authorization
Act - Testing functionality in Github actions locally
Arc browser - Very unique web browser.
Unite - Unite allows you to turn any website into a deeply customizable app on your Mac.
Canary Mail - Email, meets AI
DevToys - DevToys for Mac
Cyberduck - Cloud storage browser
Transmit - Macos file transfer app
Little snitch - Little snitch network monitor
Flux - Screen brightness adjustment tool.
Ngrok - Tunnel localhost to share your laptops ports
Tailscale - Secure remote access to shared resources. VPN Service
Zero tier - Securely connect any device, anywhere
Proton VPN - Highspeed VPN service
No Machine - Free remote desktop for everybody
Expressions - App that can be used for testing regular expressions
Safing - Pretty cool firewall
Bastillion - This is a nice bastion server tool
Teleport - Infrastructure access management platform.
Podman desktop
Portainer - Powerful container management
Docker Desktop - Docker management tool
Dockstation - Another Docker management GUI
Lazy Docker - Terminal docker GUI
Bash Cheatsheet
Tailwind Cheatsheet
Go by example - Go by example
Octonode Github API wrapper
Access Control Library
Graphql-request - Minimal GraphQL client supporting Node and browsers for scripts or simple apps
Radish - Modern updated version of lodash. Great alternative for lodash
sqlx - General purpose extensions to golang's database/sql
air - Live reload for golang apps
viper - Go configuration with fangs
goose - A database migration tool. Supports SQL migrations and Go functions.
go releaser - Release go projects as fast and easily as possible.
micnil.vscode-checkpoints - Checkpoints for tasks
GitLive - GitLive helps you and your fellow contributors merge faster by avoiding conflicts and encouraging eager and continuous code review directly inside the IDE.
Hyper - Javascript configurable terminal(Cross platform)
Warp - Mac Only terminal. Useful with cool features
Bat - An improved cat clone
Mcfly - fly through your shell history
Regex Editor - Online regex editor
Tool for Generating types - Cool site that can be used to generate types from json
emotion - Emotion is a library designed for writing css styles with JavaScript.
tailwind - CSS framework that wraps atomic css classes
Styled system - Style props for rapid UI development
Tailwind UI
Daisy UI
Meraki UI - Meraki UI components for tailwind
spectaql - Graphql documentation generator
Graphql Faker
Graphql code generator - Graphql code generators
figma - Popular UI design tool - Prototyping for all
Invision - The all-in-one collaborative online whiteboard
Cypress - E2E testing library
Saucelabs - Website and mobile testing
msw - Seamless REST/GraphQL API mocking library for browser and Node.js.
Mocki - Mock and Fake GraphQL API
faker - Generate fake data
Artillery - Advanced load testing platform
Autocannon - JS based load testing platform
Mockoon - Mockoon is the easiest and quickest way to design and run mock REST APIs.
Testmo - Testing suite for test case management
spectaql - Graphql documentation generator
Act - Run your GitHub Actions locally
Gitstream -gitStream lets you configure rules that decide how each pull request is treated based on the content of the code
gh-net - A network bridge between a Codespace and a local machine.
Wakatime - Open source plugins for metrics about your programming
ls-lint - Folder linting
prettier - Opinionated code formatting
eslint - Linting utility for Javascript
commitizen - Simple commit conventions for internet citizens.
commitlint - Lint commit messages
rome - Rome unifies your development stack by combining the functionality of separate tools.