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Read PicoQuant PTU and related files

Ptufile is a Python library to read image and metadata from PicoQuant PTU and related files: PHU, PCK, PCO, PFS, PUS, and PQRES. PTU files contain time correlated single photon counting (TCSPC) measurement data and instrumentation parameters.

Author:Christoph Gohlke
License:BSD 3-Clause


Install the ptufile package and all dependencies from the Python Package Index:

python -m pip install -U "ptufile[all]"

See Examples for using the programming interface.

Source code and support are available on GitHub.


This revision was tested with the following requirements and dependencies (other versions may work):



  • Support bi-directional sinusoidal scanning (WIP).


  • Support bi-directional scanning (FLIMbee scanner).
  • Drop support for Python 3.9.


  • Also trim leading channels without photons (breaking).
  • Add property to identify channels with photons.


  • Improve typing.


  • Detect point scans in image mode.
  • Deprecate Python 3.9, support Python 3.13.


  • Fix docstring examples not correctly rendered on GitHub.


  • Build wheels with NumPy 2.


  • Change definition of PtuFile.frequency (breaking).
  • Add option to specify number of bins returned by decode_histogram.
  • Add option to return histograms of one period.


Refer to the CHANGES file for older revisions.


PicoQuant GmbH is a manufacturer of photonic components and instruments.

The PicoQuant unified file formats are documented at the PicoQuant-Time-Tagged-File-Format-Demos.

The following features are currently not implemented: PT2 and PT3 files, decoding images from T2 formats, and deprecated image reconstruction. Line, bidirectional, and sinusoidal scanning are limited tested.

Other modules for reading or writing PicoQuant files are, readPTU_FLIM, fastFLIM, PyPTU, PTU_Reader, PTU_Writer, FlimReader, tangy, tttrlib, picoquantio, ptuparser, phconvert, trattoria (wrapper of trattoria-core, tttr-toolbox), and napari-flim-phasor-plotter.


Read properties and tags from any type of PicoQuant unified tagged file:

>>> pq = PqFile('tests/Settings.pfs')
>>> pq.magic
<PqFileMagic.PFS: ...>
>>> pq.guid
>>> pq.tags
{...'CreatorSW_Name': 'SymPhoTime 64', 'CreatorSW_Version': '2.1'...}
>>> pq.close()

Read metadata from a PicoQuant PTU FLIM file:

>>> ptu = PtuFile('tests/FLIM.ptu')
>>> ptu.magic
<PqFileMagic.PTU: ...>
>>> ptu.type
<PtuRecordType.PicoHarpT3: 66307>
>>> ptu.measurement_mode
<PtuMeasurementMode.T3: 3>
>>> ptu.measurement_submode
<PtuMeasurementSubMode.IMAGE: 3>

Decode TTTR records from the PTU file to numpy.recarray:

>>> decoded = ptu.decode_records()

Get global times of frame changes from markers:

>>> decoded['time'][(decoded['marker'] & ptu.frame_change_mask) > 0]
array([1571185680], dtype=uint64)

Decode TTTR records to overall delay-time histograms per channel:

>>> ptu.decode_histogram(dtype='uint8')
array([[ 5,  7,  7, ..., 10,  9,  2]], dtype=uint8)

Get information about the FLIM image histogram in the PTU file:

>>> ptu.shape
(1, 256, 256, 2, 3126)
>>> ptu.dims
('T', 'Y', 'X', 'C', 'H')
>>> ptu.coords
{'T': ..., 'Y': ..., 'X': ..., 'H': ...}
>>> ptu.dtype
>>> ptu.active_channels
(0, 1)

Decode parts of the image histogram to numpy.ndarray using slice notation. Slice step sizes define binning, -1 being used to integrate along axis:

>>> ptu[:, ..., 0, ::-1]
array([[[103, ..., 38],
        [ 47, ..., 30]]], dtype=uint16)

Alternatively, decode the first channel and integrate all histogram bins to a xarray.DataArray, keeping reduced axes:

>>> ptu.decode_image(channel=0, dtime=-1, asxarray=True)
<xarray.DataArray (T: 1, Y: 256, X: 256, C: 1, H: 1)> ...
         [[ 30]]]]], dtype=uint16)
  * T        (T) float64... 0.05625
  * Y        (Y) float64... -0.0001304 ... 0.0001294
  * X        (X) float64... -0.0001304 ... 0.0001294
  * C        (C) uint8... 0
  * H        (H) float64... 0.0
    frequency:      19999200.0
>>> ptu.close()

Preview the image and metadata in a PTU file from the console:

python -m ptufile tests/FLIM.ptu