![basic] (/pics/basic.gif "basic") ![zelda] (/pics/zelda.png "zelda")
This is a fork of Emudore enhanced to emulate a Commodore 64 or a classic NES.
I've restructured the code a bit and have discarded cmake in favor of bazel.
The emudore source is wonderful in its straightfoward simplicity and I wanted to see if I could get it to emulate another 6502-based system.
I few months ago I spent some time learning Nim and ran across the Nimes NES emulator. Similarly, Nimes is elegantly simple and straightfoward and I wanted to see how it would work as C++.
Well, yeah, mostly...
So far, I've implemented:
- The NES APU and PPU.
- The MMC1 mapper.
- Game controller support (no keyboard!)