You can build the app from Visual Studio or from the command-line:
dotnet workload restore --skip-sign-check
dotnet build -c Debug/Release
After building the app, the result is in the bin/$(Configuration)/net8.0/browser-wasm/AppBundle
You can build the app from Visual Studio or the command-line:
dotnet run -c Debug/Release
Or you can start any static file server from the AppBundle directory:
dotnet tool install dotnet-serve --global
dotnet serve -d:bin/$(Configuration)/net8.0/browser-wasm/AppBundle
In first console
dotnet run --project ./src/DotnetWasm.csproj
In second console
dotnet build test/PlaywrightTests.csproj
pwsh test/bin/$(Configuration)/net7.0/playwright.ps1 install
dotnet test test/PlaywrightTests.csproj