Hi Petr, glad that you have discovered the hint. Here are the tools that will help you in cracking the cipher. Use them wisely and be smart. David
This is an implementation of the SHA-0 algorithm. Note that SHA-0 is a BROKEN algorithm; this program has been created to verify old, broken signatures.
The whole thing is based on RFC6234 (which contains a reference implementation of SHA-1). It has been put into compilable code by Tom Szilagyi (@tomszilagyi) in his GitHub project. The hint of what code changes turn SHA-1 into SHA-0 have been taken from StackExchange fgrieu, who did an excellent outline on the code differences. I'm basically just the monkey gluing pieces together :)
Navigate the python interface.py code for example call. There are two functions equal in result provided for testing. Build your code on top of that.
This code can be also compiled using makefile. You will get executable this way and can use the get_hash_subprocess() python function. For faster option you will need to compile dynamic library yourself so the get_hash_dll() can be used.
IETF license, see LICENSE file.