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Releases: catppuccin/catppuccin

Ctp v0.2.0

26 May 02:10
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😸 Ctp v0.2.0

A really a big, chunky and juicy update. A full overhaul!

catppuccin infrastructure

What changed?

well.. everything!

  • Catppuccin is no longer a single palette, now there are 4 different flavours! These are: Latte, Frappe, Macchiato and Mocha. Fun fact: the names were picked based off of the lightness of the coffee, AKA the amount of milk that usually goes into each one of them.
  • Renewed naming convention for the monochromatic subpalette: text, subtext1, subtext0, overlay2, overlay1, overlay0, surface2, surface1, surface0, base, mantle, and crust
  • We now have 3 communities online: Github (here), Npm and Discord
  • New docs: with info on how to create ports, upstream them, integrate the palettes into personal projects, ...
  • Tooling: to ease out the process of maintaining Catppuccin we have created a toolbox.
  • Better assets: hopefully they will help everything looks more stylish, aesthetic and minimalistic.
  • WCAG standards: the palettes now comply with level AA.
  • Integrations: now it's easy to integrate the palettes in any type of project!

Ctp v0.1.3

07 Jan 03:42
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A rather big update, I'd say.

Things are popping a tad more now, aren't they? this is because the contrast ratio between the main colors (e.g. rosewater, maroon, lavender, teal, etc...) and the main background was increased to ensuse that the palette was compliant with WCAG 2.1 standards for enhanced contrast. Furthermore, the transition between every color in the black-gray palette is smoother now.

πŸ“š Changes

These are the results of the tests we ran to assert this conformance claim:

β€’ rosewater: βœ…
β€’ flamingo: βœ…
β€’ mauve: βœ…
β€’ pink: βœ…
β€’ red: βœ…
β€’ maroon: βœ…
β€’ peach: βœ…
β€’ yellow: βœ…
β€’ green: βœ…
β€’ blue: βœ…
β€’ sky: βœ…
β€’ teal: βœ…
β€’ lavender: βœ…
β€’ white: βœ…
β€’ gray2: βœ…
β€’ gray1: ❌
β€’ gray0: ❌
β€’ black4: ❌
β€’ black3: ❌
β€’ black2: ❌
β€’ black1: ❌
β€’ black0: ❌

The test was conducted with a size 14 font between every color against black2 (#1E1D2F), which is the main background of the palette. As evedenced on the data above, the colors from the main palette passed the test successfully; however, as expected, the colors from the black-gray palette (which fall into the exceptions category according to WCAG 2.1 standards) didn't.

  • The transition between every color in the black-gray palatte is smoother: this is because the darkest ones of them now have a slight tint of a really deep dark purple which makes colors pop more, so to speak. Purple was chosen since most of the colors that were going to be on top of it (like yellow, green, orange, and red) were opposed to it in the color wheel.

🎨 Palette

These were the colors that changed:

Name Hex RGB
Mauve #DDB6F2 221, 182, 242
Pink #F5C2E7 245, 194, 231
Maroon #E8A2AF 232, 162, 175
Red #F28FAD 242, 143, 173
Peach #F8BD96 248, 189, 150
Yellow #FAE3B0 250, 227, 176
Green #ABE9B3 171, 233, 179
Teal #B5E8E0 181, 232, 224
Blue #96CDFB 150, 205, 251
Sky #89DCEB 137, 220, 235
Black 0 #131020 19, 16, 32
Black 1 #1A1823 26, 24, 35
Black 2 #1E1E2D 30, 29, 47
Black 3 #302D41 48, 45, 65
White #D9E0EE 217, 224, 238

Catppuccin v0.1.2

30 Dec 01:51
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This release targeted the morning palette and improved several things on it.

Palette Changes

  • Saturation: Some colors were pulled down a little, some stayed the same and some were pulled up. Overall everything is more balanced now that luminance (from v0.1.1) and suturation were fixed.
  • New Colors!: The most notable improvement in this release is the addition of 4 new colors! Here are they in the color table:
Rosewater #F5E0DC 245, 224, 220 10, 56%, 91% 0%, 9%, 10%, 4%
Maroon #E49CB3 228, 156, 179 341, 57%, 75% 0%, 32%, 21%, 11%
Sky #92D2E8 146, 210, 232 195, 65%, 74% 37%, 9%, 0%, 9%
Lavender #C9CBFF 201, 203, 255 238, 100%, 89% 21%, 20%, 0%, 0%

Note: you can view the whole palette in the README

  • Updated some colors:

As mentioned above, some colors had mild changes; here they are:

Color v0.1.1 v0.1.2
Flamingo #F2CECF #F2CDCD
Peach #F9C096 #F7BE95
Green #B1E3AD #B1E1A6
Teal #BEE4ED #B7E5E6

Org-wise Changes

  • We have a new logo πŸ₯³β›…!

Catppuccin Theme

  • New slogan: most of the time we found people describing the color palette as "soothing"; so that's why the new slogan is: Soothing pastel theme for the high-spirited!

Repo Changes

Catppuccin v0.1.1

19 Dec 22:50
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This release ends as the result of the work carried out by many of the members of the Discord server, myself included.

Initially, since it was only me at the start of the project most of the decisions were taken by only one person. But now that a bunch of people have hopped into the boat we have managed to shape the project together. Although this release points out to the final version of the palette (which now has 18 colors), it's not the only new thing that came with it.

Several Other Improvements (project wise)

  • Syntax Highlighting: it has been standardized and is now more polished. Languages like JavaScript, Python, Lua, C and Java were taken into account while assigning the color each syntactic element was going to have.
  • Luminance: The palette not only brought new colors like teal and white bone, but it also balanced out more the overall luminance for consistency purposes.
  • Styling UIs: The addition of 2 colors was because we were lacking colors for developing/styling graphical elements.

Syntax Highlighting

Examples using code samples found here:





Luminance Improvements

Morning Palette

Night Palette


05 Dec 02:23
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Catppuccin ❀️ 😸!

Finally! It's out!