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🚨🚨 Developmental software - use with caution! 🚨🚨

A starting template for a Flask API backend. Components include user account functionality and a simple data retrieval example. Database connectivity is handled through SqlAlchemy, enabling the use of Postgres, MySQL, and Sqlite3.

How to Use

Clone Into Project

If you are using Flasker within another project, make a bare clone of this repository into a new folder called api. Starting at the root folder of your project, run:

git clone api

Since you will be modifying the Flasker files for your own project, it is best to disconnect it from the remote repository. Do this by removing the .git folder with:

rm -rf .git/

Initialize Database

Make sure Postgres engine is running. You can use the Docker Postgres engine by running docker-compose -f docker-compose-dev-locally.yml up postgres, which will create the database and setup the correct user accounts based on the database settings specified in docker-compose-dev-locally.yml.

Initialize the database migration with flask db init.

Run a database migration with flask db migrate -m "message".

Apply the changes to the database with flask db upgrade.

Run the application with flask run.

Normal Application Start

With Docker

Change paths to the directory: cd flasker.

Make sure you have Docker (Windows; Ubuntu) and docker-compose installed.

Development Locally

Run docker-compose -f docker-compose-dev-locally.yml up --build to download and get the application running locally on port 5000.


Run docker-compose up --build to download and get the application running through the lets-encrypt/nginx webproxy container on port 80.

Without Docker

Change paths to the directory: cd flasker

Activate your virtual environment: virtualenv flasker

Install requirements: pip install -r requirements.txt

Run export to add the app to the flask environment.

Updating the Database

Apply the changes to the database with flask db upgrade

Run the application with flask run

Using RQ Tasks Server

If using the optional RQ task server, start the Redis container with docker run -rm -p 6379:6379 redis

Start an RQ worker with rq worker flasker-tasks


Copyright (c) 2021 Joshua Schertz


Flasker is open source software licensed as MIT.


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