This is the core of the cSploit project. It has been made to manage, provide, find and work with found resources.
As of now this software does not work, it's just a preview to perform an hand-off of the work as I found other devs that want to contribute.
** Coming soon! ** ( docker run ... )
To work with Go lang you need to specify a path where Go will download
the required modules: export GOPATH="$HOME/.gocode"
for instance.
Install libpcap-dev libc-dev gcc git go
then get the sources go get -t -u
After that sources are ready to be modified or built at $GOPATH/src/
Next commands assumes that your current cirectory is that one.
To build the daemon run:
go build -i .
To run tests simply run:
go test -v ./... # run all tests
go test -v ./tools/... # run all tests in 'tools'
To start the daemon:
sudo ./daemon # root needed to sniff packets
And read nmap output from a file called sample_nmap_out.xml
you can generate it by running nmap -oX sample_nmap_out.xml -sV -T4 -O
You can manage your fork while contributing to the project, give this a read 😉 . In this way you can easily make pull rquests and experiments.
In IntellijIDEA ( which I suggest you to use ) open the project from
and you're ready to Go!