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Releases: cSploit/android.native

updated MAC database

24 Dec 16:47
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updated MAC prefixes database from nmap 7.

fix for android 6

29 Nov 23:58
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use static ssl library and use it before libcrypto

version 1.0.9

27 Nov 01:50
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fix for android 6.0 ( build openssl statically )
removed mysql support from hydra ( it clashes with openssl )

don't be scared if mysql has been removed from hydra, we are working on a new way of building and using the core, full-featured 😉


04 Oct 19:38
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removed unuseful services from nmap files

fixed netBIOS name

27 Sep 14:49
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fixed netBIOS name parsing in network-radar

some enhancement and bugfix

23 Sep 19:34
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parse nmap hostanmes in traceroute
notify native crash to java
improved build script

minor bugfixes

26 Mar 15:22
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  • prevent broken pipes to kill the daemon
  • don't parse hydra rate, it can be computed from sent logins and elapsed time
  • fixed conversion from primitive to Java

added support for MsfRpcd handler

11 Mar 18:51
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add support for the msfrpcd handler

fixed missing ripemd160 symbol

21 Feb 18:08
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fixed missing ripemd160 symbol, now nmap run fine.

fixed "cannot start process" on certain samsung devices.

14 Feb 15:29
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