This is a Django Channels chat implementation with a Celery task queue. You can create rooms, chat and retrieve stock's closing data with this command /stock=AAPL.US where AAPL.US is the ticker of the security. You can see more tickers and financial information in
First you need to activate the environment.
On Linux:
virtualenv -p python3 financialchat
cd ca_challenge
git clone
mv financial_chat src
source bin/activate
cd src
pip install -r requirements.txt
The environment is using SQLite by default, to make easier to run and test the project.
Minimalistic implementation of custom user model. It could be more minimalistic.
Mr. Bot algorithm could be optimized without using dictionary object, just using a list. But I thing it is more elegant!
Do not forget start redis server in a separate terminal
And run the celery worker, also in a separate terminal
celery -A financialchat worker -l info
Then, you know the drill!
python makemigrations profiles chat
python migrate
python createsuperuser
python runserver
Currently 75%, nothing fancy!
coverage run --source='profiles','chat' test
coverage report
Check PEP8 compliance!
flake8 profiles chat