a plugin that moving a element to a sepcify position with animation for vue.js 2+
npm install vue-jump-coin --save
// before start
import JumpCoin from 'vue-jump-coin'
// in your code
let opts = {
quietUrl: require('path/to/coin.png'),
url: require('path/to/coin.gif')
// the start and target element you need to define
let originElm,
let newCoin = this.$jumpcoin.create(originElm, opts)
setTimeout(() => {
newCoin.go(targetElm, () => {})
}, 100)
Use animate.css to keep the target element alive
<link rel="stylesheet" href="path/to/animate.css">
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
type | string |
coin |
go and clear methods will return this type to distinguish instance |
size | number |
30 |
image width and height size (px unit) |
duration | number |
300 |
duration to arrive (ms unit) |
function | string |
ease-out |
the time funciton for moving element |
animate | string |
the animate.css animation for target element when element arrived |
quietUrl | string |
dynamic image url (.gif) for something you want to move | |
url | string |
static image url to prevent dynamic image can't render out in duration time |
* params
* element<node> create the jumpCoin in a element's center
* options<object> config for jumpCoin
* return a vue component instance
Vue.jumpcoin.create(element, options)
* params
* element<node> move to this element
* callback<function> apply this callback when jumpCoin arrived target element, callback will pass instance's type back
jumpCoinInstance.go(element, callback)
* params
* callback<function> apply this callback when jumpCoin disappered, callback will pass instance's type back
# install dependencies
npm install
# serve with hot reload at localhost:8080
npm run dev
# build for production with minification
npm run build
# build for production and view the bundle analyzer report
npm run build --report
# make UMD file for npm package
npm run make