To launch Publisher:
docker-compose up --build
Two containers will be launched...
- publisherapp - publisher application (w/ ws server on port 10902)
- publisherdb - redis container (standard port)
The app will start requesting pending tx, save them to redis and open up a websocket.
- Fix ws's websocket reliability (ping/pong?, add-on, different lib, perhaps use web3 1.2.2 with better ws support)
- Handle if the deploy ws goes down
- Refactor out shared Typescript code
- Try using web3 again for pulling from parity node
- Prefer ESLint over TSLint (like on consumer)
- Get mempool-monorepo working again (but containerized this time!)
- Unit tests (mock parity client sending pending tx?)
It wouldn't be hard to be able to stream other data to the aggregator. It would make sense if there is other real-time node specific data to transfer.
There are a lot of similarities between Publisher and Aggregator. Try a model where there is shared code that can either receive Txs from a websocket, ethereum node ws subscription or JSON-RPC call. Aggregator and publisher could share larger amounts of the code base and simply be configured to act as a "publisher" or "aggregator" or both.