This directory holds information about hardware and usage aspects of the ADC-001 cape for the Beaglebone. The ADC-001 is designed and manufactured by Electroniscript, inc.
The ADC-001 is an A/D cape which can take data in either single-sample or in multiple sampled data mode. It is designed to work with microphone-level input signals; the cape includes a high-gain mic amp which brings the input signal level up to the magnitude required for sampling by an A/D converter. A companion microphone, MIC-001, is also available from Electroniscript. The frequency response of the circuit runs from 50Hz -- 15kHz, so the unit is well-suited for voice or audio signal processing applications. Target applications for the ADC-001 include:
- Sound capture and analysis.
- Audio signal processing.
- Audio-frequency data acquisition.
- Embedded sensors and controllers.
- DSP algorithm prototyping and development.
- Education, research, and development.
A more complete description of the cape is presented in the document held in this directory.
A companion directory holds the drivers and example code showing how to use the cape: A brief user's guide may be found in the present directory under
The ADC-001 cape is available for purchase at BNM-Hobbies:
The accompanying microphone, MIC-001, is also available at BNM-Hobbies:
Stuart Brorson
sdb AT