Bring your coding style in line with the Bristol SU Portal Guidelines
Pull in this project
composer require bristol-su/portal-code-style
Create a .php_cs.dist file in your project. You can find an example in ./vendor/bristol-su/portal-code-style/examples/.php_cs.dist.example
Create a rector.php file in your project. You can find an example in ./vendor/bristol-su/portal-code-style/examples/rector.php
Add the following to your composer scripts
"scripts": {
"test": "vendor/bin/phpunit --colors=always --process-isolation --verbose --configuration phpunit.xml",
"code-style": [
"vendor/bin/php-cs-fixer fix --config .php_cs --dry-run --verbose --using-cache=no",
"vendor/bin/rector process --dry-run --output-format=console"
"fix-code-style": "vendor/bin/php-cs-fixer fix --config .php_cs --verbose --using-cache=no"
You can now set up a github workflow using the actions we provide. See examples of all these at ./vendor/bristol-su/portal-code-style/examples/workflow.php
You can also run the following commands locally
composer run test
: Run the entire testsuite
composer run code-style
: Dry run all our coding checks to make sure your code will pass the pipeline
composer run fix-code-style
: Fix any minor formatting issues automatically