Easily use your FontAwesome Pro icons in React-Native
- Create a
file in the root of your project and the line below. ReplaceTOKEN
with your FontAwesome Pro token
This will allow you to download the pro solid, regular and light font packages from the fontawesome pro repo.
- Install the FontAwesome Pro packages ( you will not be able to install them without the previous step )
npm install --save @fortawesome/fontawesome-free-brands @fortawesome/fontawesome-pro-light @fortawesome/fontawesome-pro-regular @fortawesome/fontawesome-pro-solid
yarn add @fortawesome/fontawesome-free-brands @fortawesome/fontawesome-pro-light @fortawesome/fontawesome-pro-regular @fortawesome/fontawesome-pro-solid
- Install
npm install --save react-native-svg
yarn add react-native-svg
- Link
react-native link react-native-svg
npm install react-native-fontawesome-pro --save
yarn add react-native-fontawesome-pro
The postinstall script will then automatically install the pro packages for you.
In your main app.js file
import { configureFontAwesomePro } from "react-native-fontawesome-pro";
/* NOTE: Optional you can pass a prefixType into configureFontAwesomePro to change the default from "regular" to "solid" or "light" */
// configureFontAwesomePro("solid");
// configureFontAwesomePro("light");
In your components
import Icon from "react-native-fontawesome-pro";
<View style={styles.container}>
<Icon name="chevron-right" color="red" type="regular" onPress={() => alert("do something")} />
<Icon name="chevron-right" color="blue" type="solid" size={24}/>
<Icon name="chevron-right" color="green" type="light" size={24} />
prefixType = {
regular: "far",
solid: "fas",
light: "fal",
brands: "fab"
The icon name
prop can be found in fontawesome.com/icons
If a valid name is not provided question-circle
will show up instead.
Props | type | default |
name | string | "" |
color | hexdecimal or string | "black" |
size | number | 20 |
type | prefixType as a string see definition above | "regular" |
iconStyle | style object | {} |
containerStyle | style object | {} |
onPress | function | null |