[An in-progress project for the purpose of exploring Javascript, Google Maps API, Bootstrap, Ruby On Rails, Git, and cloud deploy systems. The Javascript/Google Maps part is pretty much done, but the Rails part is still rough.]
GeoReplay allows the user to enter one or more paths in Google Maps with annotations at each node, and then push a “play” button to watch icons trace the path(s). I thought it might be interesting to create historic ‘simulations’ that gave a more visceral feeling about the geography and time. Planned topics included:
Pony Express vs Transcontinental Railroad – They followed similar paths around the same period. This is the one that got finished. See below for how to run it.
Presidential travels of George Washington vs travels of some modern day President – Washington never left the US, but did make tours of the NE and South. It was a major investment at the time. Might interesting to see his Presidential travels concurrent with a recent president.
Battle lines – find an interesting battle of the Revolution or Civil War and trace it out in time and geography
The system was designed to be a multi-user web site with people being able to create ‘replays’ privately and then share them publically. Was going to explore the whole social-thing with forums and likes.
Basically, it’s a javascript app that moves a symbol along a path segment based on a configurable speed. Some attributes of each segment are configurable: markers, labels, label styles, label offsets, detail text, destination lat/long, and a time code taken to reach the destination. Other attributes are set at the path level: color, width, symbol, and a bunch of default values for segments.
To get a sense for what a GeoReplay might look like:
checkout the screenshot at public/pony_demo.jpg
checkout the tree from GitHub
edit lib/assets/javascripts/replay.js and change assetPath to ../app/assets/images
open public/pony_demo.html in a browser
The Rails application is pretty rough in its current framework state to play around with edit and display functionality.
Libraries used: bootstrap, elabels3, Devise
The two main GeoReplay javascript applications in lib/assets/javascripts were written in flat HTML before being integrated into Rails, so they aren’t done in the “Rails Way”.
Replay paths
index –> shows all public replays
show –> uses replay.js to display the chosen replay
new –> calls edit
edit –> brings in the “replay_edit” javascript
create –> called by edit to create an entry for the first time
update –> called by edit to update an entry
Schema - only two objects completed
user –> set up by the Devise user management GEM
Functionality still on the drawing board: Tags, Markers, Styles, Metrics
A sample JSON block that feeds replay.js and replay_edit.js
var replayData= { "appName":"Pony Express vs Transcontinenal Railroad", "appDescription":"Compares the paths of the Pony Express (1860) and the Transcontinental Railroad", "author":"bretg", "tags":"history, united states, 1800's", "sources":"wikipedia articles", "mapCenter":{"lat":39.5,"lng":-103.35}, "mapZoom":5, "mapType":"roadmap", "mapStyle":"normal", "defaultLabelStyle":"labelStyle3", "animLength":30, "animSmoothness":20, "labelStyles": [ {"name":"labelStyle1", "value":"border: 1px solid black; margin-top: 2px; background: #FFFF00; padding: 2px; font-size: 75%; font-weight:bold; white-space:nowrap;"} , {"name":"labelStyle2", "value":"border: 1px solid black; margin-top: 2px; background: #99FF66; padding: 2px; font-size: 75%; font-weight:bold; white-space:nowrap;"}, {"name":"labelStyle3", "value":"border: 1px solid black; margin-top: 2px; background: #00FFFF; padding: 2px; font-size: 75%; font-weight:bold; white-space:nowrap;"}, {"name":"labelStyle4", "value":"border: 1px solid black; margin-top: 2px; background: #FF9933; padding: 2px; font-size: 75%; font-weight:bold; white-space:nowrap;"}, {"name":"labelStyle5", "value":"border: 1px solid black; margin-top: 2px; background: #FF8181; padding: 2px; font-size: 75%; font-weight:bold; white-space:nowrap;"}, {"name":"labelStyle6", "value":"border: 1px solid black; margin-top: 2px; background: #E0E0EB; padding: 2px; font-size: 75%; font-weight:bold; white-space:nowrap;"} ], "paths":[ {"pathName":"Pony Express","animSymbol":"circle", "pathColor":"#BB0000","pathWidth":"2","defaultTextOffsetX":"10", "defaultTextOffsetY":"-20","defaultMarkerImage":"markers/marker.png", "points":[{"lat":"39.76633","lng":"-94.84497","text":"Pony Express, 1960 - 10 days","time":"1","details":"St. Joseph, MO", "markerImage":"markers/house_flag.png"}, {"lat":"39.82541","lng":"-97.62451","text":"","time":"11","details":"Marysville, KS"}, {"lat":"40.69730","lng":"-99.11865","text":"","time":"21","details":"Fort Kearny, NE"}, {"lat":"40.89691","lng":"-100.08545","text":"","time":"25","details":"Gothenburg, NE"}, {"lat":"42.16340","lng":"-104.54315","text":"","time":"40","details":"Fort Laramie, WY"}, {"lat":"42.86993","lng":"-106.32980","text":"","time":"50","details":"Fort Caspar, WY"}, {"lat":"41.32733","lng":"-110.38239","text":"","time":"65","details":"Fort Bridger, WY"}, {"lat":"40.79510","lng":"-111.89232","text":"","time":"75","details":"Salt Lake City, UT"}, {"lat":"39.17372","lng":"-119.76093","text":"","time":"100","details":"Carson City, NV"}, {"lat":"38.58950","lng":"-121.48699","text":"","time":"110","details":"Sacremento, CA - mail got on a steam boat"}, {"lat":"37.77506","lng":"-122.42203","text":"","time":"115","details":"San Francisco, CA", "markerImage":"markers/sailing.png"}]}, {"pathName":"Transcontinenal Railroad","animSymbol":"long-rect", "pathColor":"#000000","pathWidth":"2","defaultTextOffsetX":"10","defaultTextOffsetY":"-20", "defaultMarkerImage":"markers/marker_white.png", "points":[{"lat":"41.25923","lng":"-95.87494","text":"Transcontinental Railroad, circa 1869 - around 7 days","time":"1","details":"Council Bluffs, IA - train cars were ferried across the river at this point until a bridge was built and the eastern line met up with the western", "markerImage":"markers/star-3.png"}, {"lat":"41.45199","lng":"-96.49567","text":"","time":"5","details":"Fremont, NE"}, {"lat":"41.45971","lng":"-97.37869","text":"","time":"10","details":"Columbus, NE"}, {"lat":"40.72046","lng":"-99.10423","text":"","time":"15","details":"Kearny, NE"}, {"lat":"41.14570","lng":"-100.75527","text":"","time":"20","details":"North Platte, NE"}, {"lat":"41.16321","lng":"-104.82588","text":"","time":"25","details":"Cheyenne, WY"}, {"lat":"41.34128","lng":"-105.59226","text":"","time":"30","details":"Laramie, WY"}, {"lat":"41.81203","lng":"-107.23888","text":"","time":"35","details":"Rawlins, WY"}, {"lat":"41.28904","lng":"-110.98181","text":"","time":"40","details":"Evanston, WY"}, {"lat":"41.20805","lng":"-111.96612","text":"","time":"45","details":"Ogden, UT"}, {"lat":"41.49543","lng":"-112.02981","text":"","time":"50","details":"Brigham, UT"}, {"lat":"41.59348","lng":"-112.53407","labelStyle":"labelStyle1","text":"Golden Spike","time":"54","details":"Promontory Summit, UT"}, {"lat":"40.83907","lng":"-115.78272","text":"","time":"58","details":"Elko, NV"}, {"lat":"41.04948","lng":"-117.70917","text":"","time":"62","details":"Winnemucca, NV"}, {"lat":"39.52902","lng":"-119.79025","text":"","time":"66","details":"Reno, NV"}, {"lat":"39.33407","lng":"-120.17986","text":"","time":"70","details":"Truckee, CA"}, {"lat":"38.61461","lng":"-121.50625","text":"","time":"75","details":"Sacremento, CA"}, {"lat":"37.78808","lng":"-122.44263","text":"","time":"80","details":"San Francisco, CA", "markerImage":"markers/sailing.png"}]} ] };
The animSymbol attribute can have these values: arrow, circle, box, diamond, wide-rect, long-rect
A set of markerImage PNGs are provided in app/assets/images/markers.
The labelStyle attribute of a line or point maps to the labelStyles array. These can be overridden in the JSON, but not currently in the interface.
Fix preview when editing a replay
Add ability to see private replays on index page – fill the search div with ability to see your own rpelays with statusId=0
Pre-populate a replay on initial start
Search by tags, display available tags in a nav bar
Like button
Figure out how to track view metrics
Create thumbnail maps
Admin/editor screens
Map is messed up if the center and zoom aren’t set