A turn-based strategy game built with impactJS. A "Brother's DeBeasi" game.
- Unit Types: http://advancewars.net/strategy/units/
- GUI Plugin: https://github.com/datamosh/ImpactJS-GUI
- How To Handle Clicks: http://impactjs.com/forums/help/how-to-handle-clicking
- Pathfinding: http://www.policyalmanac.org/games/aStarTutorial.htm
- JS Pathfinding: https://github.com/bgrins/javascript-astar
- How to build a TBS game: http://www.raywenderlich.com/12022/how-to-make-a-turn-based-strategy-game-part-1
- Create subclasses of EntityUnit for each unit type (mech, infantry, etc)
- Figure out more efficient way of calculating grid movements
- Update graphics to be 64x64 (Consider creating 128x128 versions too for retina)
- Build menu system
- Create attack system
- Various UI additions
- Multiplayer, preferrably using WebSockets and Node
- Create website for people to get matched up and play against each other
- Add support for touch events / mobile devices (http://impactjs.com/documentation/ios/overview)
- Polish
- Mouse event doesn't fire when clicking on units, only space