This repository contains the code for a chatbot built using the Gemini API and Python. It's accompanied by a YouTube video tutorial that guides you through the creation process.
Watch the full tutorial on YouTube:
This project requires the following Python libraries:
You can install them using pip:
pip install google-generativeai python-dotenv
- Set up your GEMINI_API_KEY:
Create a file named .env in the root directory of this project. Add the following line to the .env file, replacing YOUR_API_KEY with your actual Gemini API key:
- Run the Script:
This will start the chatbot. You can then interact with it by typing your questions or prompts.
Note: You'll need to replace with the actual filename of your Python script if it's named differently.
- The code consists of a single Python script ( that performs the following:
- Imports necessary libraries and loads the API key from the .env file.
- Configures the GenerativeModel with safety settings, generation configurations, and system instructions.
- Creates a chat history list.
- Starts a loop that continuously prompts the user for input and sends it to the model.
- Receives the model's response and prints it to the console.
- Updates the chat history with both user input and model responses.
The MIT License is used for this project. You can find the full license text here: