This is the Boomerang CICD Worker that runs the build, test, and deploy activities for the out of the bose Component Modes.
This is based on the Gen 3 worker design for Boomerang Flow, meaning that there are fixed commands that punch out to shell scripts.
Depends on:
There are three commands in this worker that are tightly coupled with their implementation
- Build:
- Test:
- Deploy:
In turn, these commands rely on the bash scripts located in the /scripts
Via the Boomerang CICD system which will make the images available on Dockerhub
Standard: VERSION=<tag> && docker build -t boomerangio/worker-cicd:$VERSION . && docker push boomerangio/worker-cicd:$VERSION
Node NVM Feature: VERSION=<tag>-nvm.X && docker build -t boomerangio/worker-cicd:$VERSION . && docker push boomerangio/worker-cicd:$VERSION