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Testing how many commit can be committed to GitHub. So far 12,225,265 commits

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GitHub's Commit Capacity.


Checking some relations and capabilities between GitHub & Git, client-server model, network, GitHub actions and Continous Integration.


Making this repo most committed one on GitHub

How ?

  1. Committing and pushing from GitHub to GitHub.
  2. In the beginning I used my local and another platform to run git workflow scripts. But later on, I used GitHub actions to run them. So that there is no network latency because committed repo and committing actions (GitHub actions) resides in the same platform/virtual machine. That means pushing from GitHub to GitHub.
  3. Getting COMMIT_COUNT and PUSH_THRESHOLD from .env
  4. Running scripts via workflows to achive 1. step
With Bash


source .env
git pull

for i in $( eval echo {1..$COMMIT_COUNT} )
  git commit --allow-empty -m 'go + git + github = 💥'

 if [[ $i%$PUSH_THRESHOLD -eq 0 ]]
    git push 
    echo '🛬 pushed successfully'
With Golang


package main

import (

func main() {
	commitCount, _ := strconv.Atoi(os.Getenv("COMMIT_COUNT"))
	pushThreshold, _ := strconv.Atoi(os.Getenv("PUSH_THRESHOLD"))
	git    := "git"
	commit := "commit"
	push   := "push"
	allow_empty := "--allow-empty"
	m := "-m"
	message := "'go + git + github = 💥'"

	for i := 0; i < commitCount; i++ {

		cmdCommit := exec.Command(git, commit, allow_empty, m, message)
		stdoutCommit, errCommit := cmdCommit.Output()

		if errCommit != nil {
			fmt.Println("🔥 commit error: ", errCommit.Error())

		fmt.Println("🚀 ",string(stdoutCommit))

		if (i % pushThreshold == 0) {

			cmdPush := exec.Command(git, push)
			_, errPush := cmdPush.Output()

			if errPush != nil {
				fmt.Println("🔥 push error: ", errPush.Error())
			fmt.Println("🛬 pushed successfully")


With Node


const { exec } = require("child_process");
const commitCount = process.env.COMMIT_COUNT;
const pushThreshold = process.env.PUSH_THRESHOLD;

const gitPull = () => {
  return exec("git pull", (err, stdout, stderr) => {
    if (err) {
      console.log("🔥 pull error: ", err);
    console.log(`🚀 : ${stdout}`);

const gitCommit = () => {
  return exec(
    'git commit --allow-empty -m "go + git + github = 💥"',
    (err, stdout, stderr) => {
      if (err) {
//         console.log("🔥 commit error: ", err);
      console.log(`🚀 : ${stdout}`);

const gitPush = () => {
  return exec("git push", (err, stdout, stderr) => {
    if (err) {
      console.log("🔥 push error: ", err);

    console.log(`🛬 pushed successfully: ${stdout}`);

const run = () => {

  for (let i = 0; i < commitCount; i++) {

    if (i % pushThreshold === 0) {


So far experiences

Disclamer: These observations and thoughts may not be correct. These are my personal experiments and observations.

  • In GitHub there are a few repos that have over 1m+ commits. ( I didn't examine througoutly).
  • git pushing from another platform or from our local will take slightly more time. Because there will be network latency. But using GitHub actions means our code/repo and Git are in same platform/machine ( a virtual machine provisioned by GitHub which our repo and action runners resides). So that there will be no network latency. That makes git push blazingly faster.
  • Golang felt faster than Bash and Node, it's like a super-jet.
  • Github actions have some restrictions and limits . Some GitHub error messages are like :
    • No space left on device.
    • You are running out of disk space.
    • Each runner has only 6 hours (360 minute) exact time to do it's job.
  • Temperature of my computer (2011 model Asus brand 4 core i7 processor) suddenly rised and the fan screamed. In System Monitor, the each of 4 core were over 80%.
  • In GitHub actions with Go every three second (~3000ms) ~1000 commits can be pushed. Disclamer: For that measurement I observed commit time in GitHub. So it's not scientific :)
  • Gitpod blocked my account after running some scripts on their server. As they explained doing so degraded their platform and it looked like a DoS attack. Thanks to them again for unblocking my account. It's a nice and powerful platform.
  • GitHub is such a powerful platform. Tens of thousands of file (.txt) I have created and written with commits alongside of push and nothing broken.
  • I have learned also that git has a flag that is --allow-empty and lets you write commit without any change.
  • ..... to be continued.