Based on
Fullfillment for DialogFlow intent, breaks down the entites to topic and message and sends to the MQTT broker.
- Create a project at
- firebase init
Install Firebase tools:
$ npm install -g firebase-tools
Instantiate your project:
$ firebase init functions
Don't overwrite existing package.json and index.js
You will have to configure a handful of firebase config vars.
firebase functions:config:set mqtt.server.port=12345
firebase functions:config:set
firebase functions:config:set mqtt.server.user=username
firebase functions:config:set mqtt.server.password=password
firebase functions:config:set access.api_key=secretapikey
You should generate a unique access.api_key, which will be used later to execute the function.
After you configure your vars, you can then deploy:
$ firebase deploy
Once you deploy you will get a URL:
You can use this url to send a topic and payload to the MQTT:
curl -d "topic=goodnight" -d "message=on" -d "key=apikey"
payload posted sent!
You can send any topic or payload you want.
For instance:
curl -d "topic=goodnight" -d "message=on" -d "key=apikey"
- Fork the repo
- Make a pull request
- Profit