This script relies on folder and file structure as follows:
- Stream
- stream.shp(streamline shape file)
- stream_xsecs_results.shp(cross section shape file with wsel noted in the table as WSE)
- stream_flood.shp(flood boundary shape file)
- Stream2
- stream2.shp(streamline shape file)
- stream2_xsecs_results.shp(cross section shape file with wsel noted in the table as WSE)
- stream2_flood.shp(flood boundary shape file)
This script will iterate over the WSEL fields specified in the 'runs' variable under the main function
The root folder is assigned to the rootdir variable. Change the rootdir variable to the directory with the above folder and file structure
Change the sr variable to match the desired spatial reference the rasters should be in
Change the projectname to match the name of the overall watershed
Change the main_stream to match the name of the main stream of the watershed, all streams should flow into this stream
This script requires both the spatial and 3D analyst licenses.
- Entrance point of entire process
- Run specific variables to Change
- In main "runs" are the WSEL fields to be processed by the script
- One stream per folder/stream file. Having more than one stream may cause a loop in the stream order function
- Cannot have negative Stream Stations/ Sections
- If a stream does not somehow connect back to the main stream in the watershed it will not be processed
- Merge Intersects seems to freeze on 100+ streams being processed
- Fix 0 and 0.001 station reporting wrong z values.
- Move adding z-station to when WSEL and create xs-pt at the start of the stream line attributed with the smallest WSEL
- create config process
- create safe_print function
- update stream_intersects to be a table instead of shapefile
- will require changing step 2 and 3 and the merge intersects function
- Add option for single stream direct plug in to the script skipping the filename/structure configuration
- expand on multiprocessor options
- add toggle for backwater adjustments
- Catch arcgis specific exceptions
- Make the script more intuitive in searching for files and folders to be more flexible in file and folder naming