IndexEngine is a lightweight document and text indexing platform written in C# targeted to both .NET Core and .NET Framework. IndexEngine uses Sqlite as a storage repository for index data.
IndexEngine does NOT provide storage of the original documents.
- .NET 5 support
- Migrate to ORM
First things first - do you need help or have feedback? Contact me at joel dot christner at gmail dot com or file an issue here!
It's pretty quick :) It hasn't been tested with large document libraries or large files, so I'd recommend testing thoroughly before using in production.
using Indexer;
IndexEngine ie = new IndexEngine("idx.db");
// Add a document
Document d = new Document(
"GUID", // GUID supplied by the caller
"Title", // i.e. Mark Twain
"Description", // i.e. A Great Book
"File Path or URL", // i.e. C:\Documents\MarkTwain.txt
"Source", // i.e. The Internet
"AddedBy", // i.e. Joel
Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("This is some sample data for indexing")
await ie.AddAsync(d); // async
ie.Add(d); // sync
// Search the index
List<string> terms = new List<string> { "some", "data" };
List<Document> results = ie.Search(terms);
foreach (Document d in results) Console.WriteLine(d.ToString());
// Find document GUIDs where terms can be found
List<string> guids = i.e.GetDocumentGuidsByTerms(terms);
foreach (string s in results) Console.WriteLine(s);
// List number of threads actively indexing documents
Console.WriteLine("Number of documents being indexed now: " + ie.CurrentIndexingThreads);
// Get the names of docs that are currently being indexed
IEnumerable<string> activeDocs = ie.DocumentsIndexing();
// Delete documents from the index
// Retrieve documents
Document d = GetDocumentByGuid("abcd1234...");
Document d = GetDocumentByHandle("C:\\Documents\\MarkTwain.txt");
bool b = IsGuidIndexed("abcd1234...");
bool b = IsHandleIndexed("C:\\Documents\\MarkTwain.txt");