helps run mlr(Miller) with java.
- Jacoco code coverage
ref :
./gradlew test google-chrome ./lib/build/jacocoHtml/index.html google-chrome ./lib/build/reports/tests/test/index.html
String runResult = new MlrBinder("mlr", workingPath)
.addArg(new Flag("-n").objective("a"))
.addArg(new Flag("-nr").objective("b"))
String runResult = MlrBinder
.sort(n("a"), nr("b"))
.file(new File("example.csv"))
logginginfo to debug
change to gradle library projectadd E2E test
remove isConsecutive from the Verb- add static prebuilt object
- Verbs
- Flags
execute mlr then connect output stream to isr
public void run(InputStreamReader isr) { }