The code represents a raycasting graphics application with a Finding Pirate's Treasure Under the Sea theme. It creates a 3D perspective effect by simulating rays of light and their interactions with a map.
Files • Features • How To Use
- main.cpp: The main application file handling game logic, input, and rendering.
- raycaster.h: Header file containing the definition of the Raycaster class for handling raycasting.
- colors.h: Header file defining the Color struct for managing colors.
- constants.h: Header file with constant values used in the application.
- levels.h: Header file defining the Level struct and a vector of levels.
- resourceManager.h: Header file for the ResourceManager class responsible for loading and managing resources.
The main features of the graphics application include:
- Raycasting to create a 3D perspective effect.
- Loading and rendering levels from text files.
- Collision detection and handling.
- Menu system for level selection.
- Sound effects for player movement (bubbles) and victory (super mario bros win).
To clone and run this application, you'll need WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux) and the following tools installed on it: Git, C++ compiler, CMake, Make, glm, tbb, and SDL2. From your command line:
# Clone this repository
$ git clone
# Open the project
$ cd deepDiveOdysseyRaycasting
# Give execution permissions
$ chmod +x
$ chmod +x
$ chmod +x
# Run the app
$ ./