Two day hands-on workshop for Docker, Singularity, and leveraging HPC and cloud resources.
- Pre-built containers
- Building your own containers
- Limitations
- Docker for Windows
- No Singularity
- Can convert Docker containers into Singularity containers on Windows
- Docker2Singularity
- National a. CyVerse Discovery Environment b. XSEDEComet (GPU!)
- Local a. University of Arizona HPC (UA affiliates only)
- Cloud services
- Academic a. CyVerse Atmosphere b. Jetstream
- Industry a. Amazon Web Services b. Google Cloud Services
Kurtzer GM, Sochat V, Bauer MW (2017) Singularity: Scientific containers for mobility of compute. PLOS ONE 12(5): e0177459. Upendra Kumar Devisetty, Kathleen Kennedy, Paul Sarando, Nirav Merchant, Eric Lyons. Bringing your tools to CyVerse Discovery Environment using Docker. DOI:
Bringing Analysis Apps to the CyVerse Discovery Environment Docker2Singularity support moving Docker containers into Singularity containers in Windows and Mac.
This work was adapted from previous work done by Upendra Devisetty (@upendrak), Tyson Swetnam (@tyson-swetnam), and John Fonner (@johnfonner).
Meetup Day 1 June 2017 Attendees: 35
Meetup Day 2 July 2017 Attendees: 31