A demo for occurrence data cleaning
The purpose of this demo is to show how someone could "clean" an occurrence dataset so that it can be used in some analysis like species distribution modeling. This demo is packaged as a Docker container so that it can easily be used in a number of different environments without the extra tasks associated with installation.
For this demo, we will clean a set of occurrence records for Heuchera species. The original data includes 11,490 records and is a CSV file that includes species name, decimal latitude, and decimal longitude. To clean this dataset, we will first remove any records that have less than four decimal places of precision. For this scenario, we will assume that these records will be used for creating a species distribution model and thus, records with identical latitude and longitude values for a species are redundant and will be removed. Finally, we only want to create models for species with at least 12 points, so any species that have less than 12 points will be removed.
Before we can run the demo, we need to build the container. This documentation assumes that Docker has been installed for your environment (see: https://docs.docker.com/get-docker/).
1a. Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/biotaphy/data_cleaning_demo.git
1b. Download the repository from GitHub (without using git)
If you don't have git installed, you can download the repository as a zip file. Navigate to https://github.com/biotaphy/data_cleaning_demo/releases/latest and download the source code under the Assets section. After download, uncompress the file.
- Change to the repository directory
cd data_cleaning_demo
- Build the docker image
docker build docker/ -t dc_demo
- Run a bash shell in the container interactively
Mac / Linux:
docker run -v "$(pwd)"/data:/demo -it dc_demo bash
or ./docker_run_unix.sh
docker run -v %cd%/data:/demo -it dc_demo bash
or docker_run_sindows.bat
- Run the data cleaning example from the container
# clean_occurrences -r /demo/cleaning_report.json /demo/heuchera.csv /demo/clean_data.csv /demo/wrangler_conf.json
- From your local machine, inspect the original and cleaned occurrence data files
(data/heuchera.csv and data/clean_data.csv). The fields have not changed between the
two files, but the cleaning step removed all records with less than 4 decimal places
of precision, any duplicate points (where species name, latitude, and longitude are
the same), and any species with less than 12 points. The result is a cleaned dataset
with 6678 occurrence records down from the original 11,490. You can see a more
detailed report of how many points were removed by each filter in the file
. It should contain something like the following.
"input_records": 11489,
"output_records": 6677,
"wranglers": {
"decimal_precision_filter": {
"removed": 2978
"unique_localities_filter": {
"removed": 1800
"minimum_points_filter": {
"removed": 34