- Open the
file - There is a configurable section at https://github.com/bgmapp/P4TP-Sentiments/blob/master/all.html#L124-L156
- For each variable that you want to configure, you can modify it in this section
- Some of the things that are configurable include:
- surveyLayerName - the name of the survey layer in the web map
- statesLayerName - the name of the states layer in the web map
- webMapId - the id to the web map
- surveyQuestionField - the question/answer field from the survey service
- surveyDescriptionField - the descriptive text field from the survey service
- stateNameField - the field form the states service that holds the state name
- extraStatePopupContent - you can add any additional popup content items here for the states layer, when you click on a word from the word cloud. You can refer to the specification at https://developers.arcgis.com/javascript/latest/api-reference/esri-PopupTemplate.html#content, if you want to configure additional sections
- wordCloudColor - color of the word cloud items
- wordCloudSelectedColor - color of the selected word cloud item
- fontFamily - font family used by the word cloud items
- Once you are done changing these things, you can copy the entire contents of the
file, and paste it into the html code section of an experience builder element.
NOTE: All services and surveys must currently be public and shared with everyone for this embeddable app to work