A stupid shell helper mamu(friend) who politely ask for parameters when you forgot them.
##Install Download or clone this repo, then from terminal, first go to the downloaded/cloned folder, then run
$ sudo sh install
Note that, mamu needs your admin access/password to get copied in the system folder.
##Usage Just write any command, and mamu will ask you for needed parameters, like-
mamu countdown
And it'll ask for how many seconds it will countdown
::TIPS:: You can also use countdown command like - $ mamu countdown 10
How many seconds you want to countdown? -> 4
And thats how it all works.
##Available commands
$ mamu help (Prints help for all available commands)
$ mamu countdown (counts down with voice feedback a certain amount of seconds)
$ mamu findnreplace (finds given text and replaces it with a new one in a file)
$ mamu findtext (finds given text in a file or folder and shows a list of them)
$ mamu symboliclink (make a symbolic link of a file/folder into another folder)
$ mamu httpserver (starts basic python HTTP server in a given port & directory)
$ mamu killnode (kills all running node.js instances or a given one)
$ mamu testtls (tests which TLS versions supported on a given website)
$ mamu iossimulator ( shows/open ios simulator documents directory location)