A collection of notes taken during academic events, such as conferences, symposia or talks
Topics: Archaeology, Digital Humanities, Computer Science (but with focus on Archaeology or DH)
- Notes are grouped by year
- File names:
- start with month and first day of event
- followed by _
- followed by short name of event
- followed by _
- followed by venue (in most cases city or country)
- Copy the template for each new set of notes
- Edit in markdown
- Add them to literature.bib first and push to repository
- Add a reference into the respective note with:
> * [E. Dröge (2010). Leitfaden für das Verbinden von Ontologien, Information
Wissenschaft und Praxis 61 (2), 143-147](<some link>) [`BibTex`](<github permalink>)
- Add a permalink to the respective lines in literature.bib