The explorer requires a working installation of Golang (version 1.9.2 was used to develop the application). The most recent version can be found on their website, along with installation instructions. A go folder has to be created in the user’s home directory after installation.
Since the explorer requires a PSQL database, Postgres is also required.
$ sudo apt install postgresql postgresql-contrib
After installing Postgres, a database super user called ’postgres’ is automatically created. With that user, a new user has to be created, which will be used to manage the block explorer’s database. First, the psql shell needs to be opened using the postgres account.
$ sudo -i -u postgres
$ psql
The new database-user and his password has to be created. Additionally the database ’blockexplorerdb’ has to be created. Username and password of the new user can be chosen freely, however the database needs to be called ’blockexplorerdb’. The new user needs all privileges on the newly created database as well.
$ CREATE DATABASE blockexplorerdb;
$ GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE blockexplorerdb TO user1;
$ \quit
If the terminal still displays the user ’postgres’ as the current user, it is now time to switch back to the computer’s regular user, as no further psql related actions are needed. If switching users requires a password for the ’postgres’ account, a restart of the terminal will also log in the regular user.
$ go get
Since the static HTML files do not get included in the compiled binary, the source folder has to be copied from Golang’s src directory to the bin directory, where the compiled block explorer binary is located. The following frame’s folder structure assumes a default Golang installation.
$ sudo cp -r source/ ../../../../bin
From the explorer’s directory, it can now be started using the following arguments. The username and password are the values defined in the database setup step. DATA must either be "data" or "nodata", depending on whether the data retrieval mechanism should run.
$ ./bazo-block-explorer DATA :PORT USERNAME PASSWORD
A running Bazo Miner application is required on the bootstrap server to load blocks from the blockchain and a running Bazo Client to send Config Transactions.