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Rancher2 API Library

This project provides access to a subset of the Rancher 2.x API in a highly opinionated fashion, intended primarily to address deployment concerns to Rancher2 and K8S within the @endeavorb2b stack.


This library can be included in your project to allow native access to the Rancher2 API methods via node-fetch. Fetch allows both backend and browser access to the API, but does not obscure credentials -- beware of this if building a browser application using this library.

All methods require at minimum a Rancher 2.x v3 API URL (such as and a Rancher 2.x API key. While scoped keys are supported, this library assumes a hard dependancy of knowing the cluster ID at runtime. The Bearer Token format should be passed to the library methods (username:secretKey.)



Supported: List.


Parameters: (uri, token)

Returns an array of cluster objects ({ id, name }).


Supported: List and Create.


Parameters: ({ uri, token, clusterId })

Returns an array of project objects ({ id, name }).


Parameters: ({ uri, token, clusterId, name })

Creates and returns a project object ({ id, name }).


Supported: List and Create.


Parameters: ({ uri, token, projectId })

Returns an array of service objects ({ id, name }).


Parameters: ({ uri, token, projectId, namespaceId, name, targetWorkloadIds })

Creates and returns a service object ({ id, name }).


Supported: List and Create.


Parameters: ({ uri, token, clusterId }) Returns an array of namespace objects ({ id, name }).


Parameters: ({ uri, token, clusterId, projectId, name })

Creates and returns a namespace object ({ id, name }) within a project.


Supported: List, Create, and Update.


Parameters: ({ uri, token, projectId })

Returns an array of workload objects ({ id, deploymentId, name }).


Parameters: ({ uri, token, projectId, namespaceId, name, deploymentConfig, containers })

Creates and returns a workload object ({ id, deploymentId, name, ... }) within a project+namespace.

labels, if not specified, will default to the following:

  '': `deployment-${namespaceId}-${name}`

deploymentConfig, if not specified, will default to the following:

  maxSurge: 1,
  maxUnavailable: 0,
  minReadySeconds: 0,
  progressDeadlineSeconds: 600,
  revisionHistoryLimit: 10,
  strategy: 'RollingUpdate',

containers, if not specified or without a valid container definition, will default to the following:

  env: [],
  image: 'busybox:latest',
  imagePullPolicy: 'IfNotPresent',
  entrypoint: ['top'],
  securityContext: {
    allowPrivilegeEscalation: false,
    capabilities: {},
    privileged: false,
    procMount: 'Default',
    readOnlyRootFilesystem: false,
    runAsNonRoot: false,
  stdin: true,
  terminationMessagePath: '/dev/termination-log',
  terminationMessagePolicy: 'File',
  tty: true,

cronJobConfig, if specified, should provide the following:

  concurrencyPolicy: 'Allow',
  failedJobsHistoryLimit: 10,
  schedule: '* * * * *', // A valid cron schedule
  successfulJobsHistoryLimit: 10,
  suspend: false,


Parameters: ({ uri, token, projectId, workloadId, deploymentConfig, containers })

Updates and returns a workload object ({ id, deploymentId, name, ... }) within a project+namespace.

labels, if specified, MUST include the following:

  '': `deployment-${namespaceId}-${name}`

deploymentConfig, if not specified, will default to the following:

  maxSurge: 1,
  maxUnavailable: 0,
  minReadySeconds: 0,
  progressDeadlineSeconds: 600,
  revisionHistoryLimit: 10,
  strategy: 'RollingUpdate',


Supported: List, Create, and Update.


Parameters: ({ uri, token, projectId })

Returns an array of ingress objects ({ id, name }).


Parameters: ({ uri, token, projectId, namespaceId, name, rules })

Creates and returns a ingress object ({ id, name, ... }) within a project+namespace.

rules must be an array of rule objects specifying the port and workloadIds. The URI path is optional:

  path: '/test2/test2',
  targetPort: 80,
  workloadIds: [ 'deployment:<namespaceId>:<workloadName>'],


Parameters: ({ uri, token, projectId, ingressId, rules })

Updates and returns a ingress object ({ id, name, ... }) within a project+namespace.

rules must be an array of rule objects specifying the port and workloadIds. The URI path is optional:

  path: '/test2/test2',
  targetPort: 80,
  workloadIds: [ 'deployment:<namespaceId>:<workloadName>'],


Contributions are always welcome -- if you would like access to another module or would like to include support for some other feature of the Rancher2 API, please submit a pull request.

To get started, pull this repository and execute yarn && yarn start from the project root.
