An Angular library to translate texts, dates and numbers
This library is for localization of Angular apps. It allows, in addition to translation, to format dates and numbers through Internationalization API
npm install angular-l10n --save
You can find a complete sample app here, and a live example on StackBlitz.
Create the configuration:
export const l10nConfig: L10nConfig = {
format: 'language-region',
providers: [
{ name: 'app', asset: i18nAsset }
cache: true,
keySeparator: '.',
defaultLocale: { language: 'en-US', currency: 'USD' },
schema: [
{ locale: { language: 'en-US', currency: 'USD' }, dir: 'ltr', text: 'United States' },
{ locale: { language: 'it-IT', currency: 'EUR' }, dir: 'ltr', text: 'Italia' }
export function initL10n(l10nLoader: L10nLoader): () => Promise<void> {
return () => l10nLoader.init();
const i18nAsset = {
'en-US': {
greeting: 'Hello world!',
whoIAm: 'I am {{name}}',
one: 'software developer'
'it-IT': {
greeting: 'Ciao mondo!',
whoIAm: 'Sono {{name}}',
one: 'sviluppatore software'
Do you only need to localize and not translate? Give the
an empty array, but provide the supported locales in theschema
Import the modules and the configuration:
imports: [
providers: [
useFactory: initL10n,
deps: [L10nLoader],
multi: true
bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule { }
<p title="{{ 'greeting' | translate:locale.language }}">{{ 'greeting' | translate:locale.language }}</p>
<p>{{ 'whoIAm' | translate:locale.language:{ name: 'Angular l10n' } }}</p>
<p>{{ today | l10nDate:locale.language:{ dateStyle: 'full', timeStyle: 'short' } }}</p>
<p>{{ timeAgo | l10nTimeAgo:locale.language:'second':{ numeric:'always', style:'long' } }}</p>
<p>{{ value | l10nNumber:locale.language:{ digits: '1.2-2', style: 'currency' } }}</p>
<p>1 {{ 1 | l10nPlural:locale.language }}</p>
<button *ngFor="let item of schema"
(click)="setLocale(item.locale)">{{ item.locale.language | l10nDisplayNames:locale.language:{ type: 'language' } }}</button>
Pure pipes need to know when the locale changes. So import L10nLocale
injection token in the component:
export class AppComponent {
constructor(@Inject(L10N_LOCALE) public locale: L10nLocale) { }
To support this strategy, there is an async version of each pipe:
<p>{{ 'greeting' | translateAsync }}</p>
<p l10n-title title="greeting" l10nTranslate>greeting</p>
<p [params]="{ name: 'Angular l10n' }" l10nTranslate>whoIAm</p>
<!-- <p [l10nTranslate]="{ name: 'Angular l10n' }">whoIAm</p> -->
<p [options]="{ dateStyle: 'full', timeStyle: 'short' }" l10nDate>{{ today }}</p>
<p [options]="{ numeric:'always', style:'long' }" unit="second" l10nTimeAgo>{{ timeAgo }}</p>
<p [options]="{ digits: '1.2-2', style: 'currency' }" l10nNumber>{{ value }}</p>
You can dynamically change parameters and expressions values as with pipes, but not in attributes.
export class AppComponent implements OnInit {
constructor(private translation: L10nTranslationService, private intl: L10nIntlService) { }
ngOnInit() {
next: () => {
this.greeting = this.translation.translate('greeting');
this.whoIAm = this.translation.translate('whoIAm', { name: 'Angular l10n' });
this.formattedToday = this.intl.formatDate(, { dateStyle: 'full', timeStyle: 'short' });
this.formattedTimeAgo = this.intl.formatRelativeTime(this.timeAgo, 'second', { numeric: 'always', style: 'long' });
this.formattedValue = this.intl.formatNumber(this.value, { digits: '1.2-2', style: 'currency' });
this.formattedOnePlural = this.intl.plural(1);
The L10nIntlService
also provides methods for other Intl APIs, such as Collator & ListFormat.
The following features can be customized. You just have to implement the indicated class-interface and pass the token during configuration.
@Injectable() export class HttpTranslationLoader implements L10nTranslationLoader {
private headers = new HttpHeaders({ 'Content-Type': 'application/json' });
constructor(@Optional() private http: HttpClient) { }
public get(language: string, provider: L10nProvider): Observable<{ [key: string]: any }> {
const url = `${provider.asset}-${language}.json`;
const options = {
headers: this.headers,
params: new HttpParams().set('v', provider.options.version)
return this.http.get(url, options);
export const l10nConfig: L10nConfig = {
providers: [
{ name: 'app', asset: './assets/i18n/app', options: { version: '1.0.0' } },
imports: [
translationLoader: HttpTranslationLoader
export class AppModule { }
By default, the library does not store the locale. To store it implement the L10nStorage
class-interface, so that the next time the user has the locale he selected.
By default, the library attempts to set the locale using the user's browser language, before falling back on the default locale. You can change this behavior by implementing the L10nUserLanguage
class-interface, for example to get the language via server.
By default, you can only pass JavaScript objects as translation data provider. To implement a different loader, you can implement the L10nTranslationLoader
class-interface, as in the example above.
You can enable translation fallback during configuration:
export const l10nConfig: L10nConfig = {
fallback: true,
By default, the translation data will be merged in the following order:
To change it, implement the L10nTranslationFallback
By default, the library only parse the params. L10nTranslationHandler
is the class-interface to implement to modify the behavior.
If a key is not found, the same key is returned. To return a different value, you can implement the L10nMissingTranslationHandler
There are two directives, that you can use with Template driven or Reactive forms: l10nValidateNumber
and l10nValidateDate
. To use them, you have to implement the L10nValidation
class-interface, and import it with the validation module:
@Injectable() export class LocaleValidation implements L10nValidation {
constructor(@Inject(L10N_LOCALE) private locale: L10nLocale) { }
public parseNumber(value: string, options?: L10nNumberFormatOptions, language = this.locale.numberLanguage || this.locale.language): number | null {
public parseDate(value: string, options?: L10nDateTimeFormatOptions, language = this.locale.dateLanguage || this.locale.language): Date | null {
imports: [
L10nValidationModule.forRoot({ validation: LocaleValidation })
export class AppModule { }
You can enable the localized routing importing the routing module after others:
imports: [
export class AppModule { }
A prefix containing the language is added to the path of each navigation, creating a semantic URL:
If the localized link is called, the locale is also set automatically.
To achieve this, the router configuration in your app is not rewritten: the URL is replaced, in order to provide the different localized contents both to the crawlers and to the users that can refer to the localized links.
If you don't want a localized routing for default locale, you can enable it during the configuration:
export const l10nConfig: L10nConfig = {
defaultRouting: true
You can change the localized path, implementing the L10nLocation
class-interface, and import it with the routing module:
@Injectable() export class AppLocation implements L10nLocation {
public path(): string {
public parsePath(path: string): string | null {
public getLocalizedSegment(path: string): string | null {
public toLocalizedPath(language: string, path: string): string {
imports: [
L10nRoutingModule.forRoot({ location: AppLocation })
export class AppModule { }
If you want to add new providers to a lazy loaded module, you can use L10nResolver
in your routing module:
const routes: Routes = [
path: 'lazy',
loadChildren: () => import('./lazy/lazy.module').then(m => m.LazyModule),
resolve: { l10n: L10nResolver },
data: {
l10nProviders: [{ name: 'lazy', asset: './assets/i18n/lazy', options: { version: '1.0.0' } }]
Always import the modules you need:
declarations: [LazyComponent],
imports: [
export class LazyModule { }
Enable caching during configuration if you want to prevent reloading of the already loaded translation data:
export const l10nConfig: L10nConfig = {
cache: true
If you need to preload some translation data, for example to use for missing values, L10nTranslationService
exposes the translation data in the data
attribute. You can merge data by calling the addData
export function l10nPreload(translation: L10nTranslationService, translationLoader: L10nTranslationLoader): () => Promise<void> {
return () => new Promise((resolve) => {
translationLoader.get('en-US', { name: 'app', asset: './assets/i18n/app', options: { version: '1.0.0' } })
next: (data) => translation.addData(data, 'en-US'),
complete: () => resolve()
Then add the function to providers, before initL10n
providers: [
useFactory: l10nPreload,
deps: [L10nTranslationService, L10nTranslationLoader],
multi: true
Angular l10n types that it is useful to know:
: contains a language, in the formatlanguage[-script][-region][-extension]
, where:- language: ISO 639 two-letter or three-letter code
- script: ISO 15924 four-letter script code
- region: ISO 3166 two-letter, uppercase code
- extension: 'u' (Unicode) extensions
- dateLanguage: alternative language to translate dates
- numberLanguage: alternative language to translate numbers
- currency: ISO 4217 three-letter code
- timezone: from the IANA time zone database
: shows the format of the language to be used for translations. The supported formats are:'language' | 'language-script' | 'language-region' | 'language-script-region'
. So, for example, you can have a language likeen-US-u-ca-gregory-nu-latn
to format dates and numbers, but only use theen-US
for translations setting'language-region'
: the type of options used to format dates. Extends the IntlDateTimeFormatOptions
interface, adding the dateStyle and timeStyle attributes. See DateTimeFormat for more details on available options -
: the type of options used to format numbers. Extends the IntlNumberFormatOptions
interface, adding the digits attribute. See NumberFormat for more details on available options
To format dates and numbers, this library uses the Intl API
Check the current browser support:
You can use polyfills to extend support to old browsers, or to use newest features:
Just add one script tag in your
, for example:<script crossorigin="anonymous" src=""></script>
When specifying the
, you have to specify what languages to load -
Import polyfills you need as in the sample app
To use Intl in Node.js, check the support according to the version in the official documentation: Internationalization Support
You can find a complete sample app with @nguniversal/express-engine here
SSR doesn't work out of the box, so it is important to know:
: used to handle absolute URLs for HTTP requests on the serversrc\app\l10n-config.ts
:AppStorage (implements L10nStorage)
: uses a cookie to store the locale client & server sideAppUserLanguage (implements L10nUserLanguage)
: server side, negotiates the language throughacceptsLanguages
to get the user language when the app starts
Angular v11 (Angular l10n v11.1.0)
Angular v10 (Angular l10n v10.1.2)
Angular v9 (Angular l10n v9.3.0)
Angular v8 (Angular l10n v8.1.2)
Angular v7 (Angular l10n v7.2.0)
Angular v6 (Angular l10n v5.2.0)
Angular v5 (Angular l10n v4.2.0)
Angular v4 (Angular l10n v3.5.2)
Angular v2 (Angular l10n v2.0.11)
First, install the packages & build the library:
npm install npm run build
npm test
Serving the sample app:
npm start
Serving the sample ssr app:
npm run dev:ssr