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Aksara is an Indonesian morphological analyzer that conforms to the UD v2 annotation guidelines

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Aksara is an Indonesian morphological analyzer that conforms to the Universal Dependencies (UD) v2 annotation guidelines. Aksara can perform four tasks:

  • Word segmentation (tokenization)
  • Lemmatization
  • POS tagging
  • Morphological features analysis

The output is in the CoNLL-U format

ATTENTION: Aksara v1.1. and future versions are available at this new repository:


  1. Clone this repository. git clone

  2. Install Foma. For Debian/Ubuntu packaging, apt-get install foma-bin. Make sure you have the privilege to install package or use sudo.

  3. Use the package manager pip to install required packages.

    foo@bar:~$ cd aksara
    foo@bar:~/aksara$ python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt

    If pip is not installed, please install pip first. apt-get install python3-pip


Use console with

foo@bar:~/aksara$ python3 -s '“Meski kebanyakan transisi digital yang terjadi di Amerika Serikat belum pernah terjadi sebelumnya, transisi kekuasaan yang damai tidaklah begitu,” tulis asisten khusus Obama, Kori Schulman di sebuah postingan blog pada hari Senin.'
# sent_id = 1
# text = “Meski kebanyakan transisi digital yang terjadi di Amerika Serikat belum pernah terjadi sebelumnya, transisi kekuasaan yang damai tidaklah begitu,” tulis asisten khusus Obama, Kori Schulman di sebuah postingan blog pada hari Senin.
1       “       “       PUNCT   _       _       _       _       _       SpaceAfter=No
2       Meski   meski   SCONJ   _       _       _       _       _       _
3       kebanyakan      banyak  NOUN    _       Number=Sing     _       _       _       _
4       transisi        transisi        NOUN    _       Number=Sing     _       _       _       _
5       digital digital ADJ     _       Degree=Pos      _       _       _       _
6       yang    yang/yang       SCONJ/PRON      _       (PRON -> PronType=Rel)  _       _       _       _
7       terjadi jadi    VERB    _       Subcat=Tran|Voice=Pass  _       _       _       _
8       di      di      ADP     _       _       _       _       _       _
9       Amerika Amerika PROPN   _       _       _       _       _       _
10      Serikat Serikat PROPN   _       _       _       _       _       _
11      belum   belum   PART    _       Polarity=Neg    _       _       _       _
12      pernah  pernah  ADV     _       _       _       _       _       _
13      terjadi jadi    VERB    _       Subcat=Tran|Voice=Pass  _       _       _       _
14      sebelumnya      sebelumnya      ADV     _       _       _       _       _       SpaceAfter=No
15      ,       ,       PUNCT   _       _       _       _       _       _
16      transisi        transisi        NOUN    _       Number=Sing     _       _       _       _
17      kekuasaan       kuasa   NOUN    _       Number=Sing     _       _       _       _
18      yang    yang/yang       SCONJ/PRON      _       (PRON -> PronType=Rel)  _       _       _       _
19      damai   damai   ADJ     _       Degree=Pos      _       _       _       _
20-21   tidaklah        _       _       _       _       _       _       _       _
20      tidak   tidak   PART    _       Polarity=Neg    _       _       _       _
21      lah     lah     PART    _       PartType=Emp    _       _       _       _
22      begitu  begitu  DET     _       _       _       _       _       SpaceAfter=No
23      ,       ,       PUNCT   _       _       _       _       _       SpaceAfter=No
24      ”       ”       PUNCT   _       _       _       _       _       _
25      tulis   tulis   VERB    _       _       _       _       _       _
26      asisten asisten NOUN    _       Number=Sing     _       _       _       _
27      khusus  khusus  ADJ     _       Degree=Pos      _       _       _       _
28      Obama   Obama   PROPN   _       _       _       _       _       SpaceAfter=No
29      ,       ,       PUNCT   _       _       _       _       _       _
30      Kori    Kori    PROPN   _       _       _       _       _       _
31      Schulman        Schulman        PROPN   _       _       _       _       _       _
32      di      di      ADP     _       _       _       _       _       _
33      sebuah  buah    DET     _       Number=Sing|PronType=Ind        _       _       _       _
34      postingan       posting NOUN    _       Number=Sing     _       _       _       _
35      blog    blog    NOUN    _       Number=Sing     _       _       _       _
36      pada    pada    ADP     _       _       _       _       _       _
37      hari    hari    NOUN    _       Number=Sing     _       _       _       _
38      Senin   Senin   PROPN   _       _       _       _       _       SpaceAfter=No
39      .       .       PUNCT   _       _       _       _       _       _

Accepting text file as input and write to file.

foo@bar:~/aksara$ python3 -f "input_example.txt" --output "output_example.conllu"
Processing inputs...
100%|██████████████████████████████████████████████████| 5/5 [00:32<00:00,  6.45s/it]


  • To be added. Please use option --help at the moment.


  • Aksara v1.0 was built by M. Yudistira Hanifmuti and Ika Alfina, as the reseach project for Yudistira's undergraduate thesis at Faculty of Computer Science, Universitas Indonesia.
  • Aksara v1.0 refers to the annotation guidelines for Indonesian dependency treebank proposed by Alfina et al. (2019) and Alfina et al. (2020)


  • M. Yudistira Hanifmuti and Ika Alfina. "Aksara: An Indonesian Morphological Analyzer that Conforms to the UD v2 Annotation Guidelines". In Proceeding of the 2020 International Conference of Asian Language Processing (IALP) in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 4-6 Desember 2020. (accepted)
  • Ika Alfina, Daniel Zeman, Arawinda Dinakaramani, Indra Budi, and Heru Suhartanto. "Selecting the UD v2 Morphological Features for Indonesian Dependency Treebank". In Proceeding of the 2020 International Conference of Asian Language Processing (IALP) in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 4-6 Desember 2020. (accepted)
  • Ika Alfina, Arawinda Dinakaramani, Mohamad Ivan Fanany, and Heru Suhartanto. "A Gold Standard Dependency Treebank for Indonesian". In Proceeding of 33rd Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation (PACLIC) 2019 in Hakodate, Japan, 13-15 September 2019.


  • 2020-10-27 v1.0
    • Initial release.


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.


Aksara is an Indonesian morphological analyzer that conforms to the UD v2 annotation guidelines






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