Paper MCSE 2019
We use supervised machine learning algorithms to detect of data exfiltration using DNS protocol. This method uses lexical features in lower level domain names (lld) to predict if a domain query is benign or malicious.
We used features based on the statistics of the lld:
- entropy
- length
- ratio between characters and numbers in the lld
And validated them based on Lasso and RFE (Feature elimination). In this way we remove features to prevent over fitting the model
We used models for supervised learning:
- K-Nearest K-Nearest neighbor (KNN)
- Logistic Regression
- Support Vector Machine (SVM)
- Naive Bayes
- Decision Tree
- Random Forrest (Ensemble learning)
- Neural network
#preprocessing We applied different methods for rescaling the dataset:
We shuffled the trainings data to prevent overfitting.
We applied hyper parameter tuning.
The scores of the the tuned models is recored in /scores directory.
We scored the models on the validated accuracy scores:
- knn_scores.txt:Cross validated accuracy: 99.02
- dt_scores.txt:Cross validated accuracy: 99.00
- svm_scores.txt:Cross validated accuracy: 99.00
- lr_scores.txt:Cross validated accuracy: 98.52
- nn_scores.txt:Cross validated accuracy: 91.67
- rf_scores.txt:Cross validated accuracy: 98.52
The models with the highest accuracy was used for the detector.
We selected KNN with accuracy 99.02%
And because of statement in related work, where ensemble learning (yassine,2018) has given the best results.
- classification_report
- confusion_matrix
- Precision-recall curve is better of unbalanced datasets
- Install the requirements pipenv install -r requirements.txt start jupyter lab
- extract lld from pcap data
- Run preprocessing script python lld_lab_data.csv --out lld_lab_features_added.csv
- Run the different machine learning model scripts with python lld_lab_features_added.csv
we extracted the DNS subdomain form the testdata and derived some features of this string:
- subdomain entropy
- subdomain string length
- ratio of alpha numeric characters vs letters in the subdomain
- number of dot's in subdomain
- number of unique character in subdomain
We selected these features because tunnel queries are mainly non-human readable of pronounceable.
We can compare the distribution of entropy for benign vs Malicious domains via histograms and parametric statistics.
we used two full network captures of a lab.
We used a mixed dataset created in our lab. One used DNScat and the other Iodine for DNS covert channels supplemented it with benign traffic by running a tool called PartyLoud to create benign DNS traffic
We made a proof of concept of the detector python script python